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(Shuichi POV)

I think I fell asleep- I woke up on the floor to the garage door opening. My uncle is home. I sit up, and look at the time on my phone. It's almost 2 in the morning...? Dang. I suppose I should say hello because I'm already awake, it would just be rude and I'd feel bad.

Getting on my feet, I stretch a bit- sleeping on the floor is definitely not comfortable. I put my phone down on my bed, and I walk to the kitchen. My uncle was putting various papers away, getting ready for bed. "Hey.." I said, slightly supporting myself on the archway to the kitchen. One light over the table was keeping the dark kitchen lit.

He turned around, and looked a little surprised. "Shuichi? Did I wake you up? I'm sorry." He laughed, apologizing. "No no, it's completely fine. I figured I would say hi anyways, don't worry about it." I reply, softly smiling. He nods.

"Do you need any water?" My uncle asks, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. "That would be nice, thank you.." I answer, walking towards the table and taking my seat. A few seconds later he sits down too, handing me the water. "Soo.. how was school?"

"Good. The same as always, it's just school." I sigh, taking a sip of the water. My uncle looks at me for a few seconds before speaking up again. This is awkward. "You sure? Did you run into anything today with your car?" He asks, continuing to stare at me.

Damn, he really is a good detective. "Oh.. that.." I sigh looking away from him. "I accidentally hit my elbow on it when I got in the car. Yeah that suckkkked. It even still hurts." What a pathetic lie. I have to at least try, right? "The window was cracked from the outside, kid. And you're obviously lying- You were keeping terrible eye contact with me the second I brought it up. What happened." He sounded a bit more stern at the 'what happened' part.

"Is this why you offered me water? To drag it out of me?" I ask, sitting up a bit taller. "Maybe. Maybe not." He replies. "Very funny.." I say, looking back down. He didn't really say anything after that. We kinda just sat in silence for a minute or two. "Someone accidentally threw a rock at my window...." I lie. Well. Half lie. I know it wasn't an accident.

"Accidentally?" He questions, looking at me from the side. I didn't want him to worry about me and this mess. He has a lot of work, I don't wanna bother him with it. I need to lie, just this once. "Some kid threw it because they thought my car was someone else's. They said they would pay me back the money to fix it eventually.."

My uncle doesn't look convinced. Just a bit worried. He sighs. "Shuichi, if you need to tell me something don't be afraid to tell me. I'm here for you kid, I don't want you hiding from me. Secrets can be dangerous." I look down in shame. This is pretty embarrassing. I should have gone back to sleep instead of coming to the kitchen.

"But.. As much as I don't want to, I'll let it slide. Just this once. You have school tomorrow, and I don't want you to think I'm some kind of strict asshole." Hearing that made me let out a silent sigh of relief. I shouldn't act excited though, he'll just force it out of me if I do. "Alright, thank you.." I say, standing up from my seat.

I grab the empty glass of water and put it in the empty dishwasher. I hug my uncle and I make my way back to my room. I'm tired. My body feels like it's heavy. I can't keep my eyes open. I need to sleep. I opened and shut my door, and turned off the lights. I layed down, and fell asleep almost instantly.

(Woahhh a change)

Note- Uh so like I have a friend who headcanons komaeda and Hinata adopting kokichi and that is where he learned his gremlin ways- i'm joking, pregame kokichi is great. I put this headcanon in for my friend so hh it's kiNdA cute 🥺

Just a note so nobody is just in case you didn't read the tags :)

I also would like to imagine Komaeda as more relaxed than how he is in sdr2, since if what Tsumugi wait was true,, then everyone's personality was a lie :')

everything calms down oh goodness.

Also kokichi calls komaeda Papa and Hinata Dad so 👌🏼

Alright alright, back to the story!

(Kokichi POV)

It's late and I can't sleep. I'm thinking about Shuichi Saihara. I'm not sure what to think of Saihara. He never has seemed really weird like everyone says, just maybe a bit awkward and shy? I really don't believe what Kaede said, especially after earlier today when he helped pick my stuff up. But then again...You have to be careful.

A little bit after the bell rang for school to get out, I saw Saihara running to his locker. He looked distressed, but I didn't want to bother him- or get ran over. It turned out he was running from Rantaro and Kaede, which I found weird. If Kaede was so scared of him, why was she chasing him down the halls with Rantaro? It's suspicious, and another reason not to trust her.

Honestly, I don't understand why people took Kaede's word without any doubts. She doesn't seem very trustworthy anyways. Last year she joined Angie's religion club and talked shit about it to the whole school. Angie was so embarrassed by all the lies Kaede told, she didn't come to school sometimes.

She's doing better now of course, she hangs out with Himiko and Tenko a lot. I still don't understand. Is it just because people like Kaede? Honestly, why is 'popularity' a thing. It's not like anybody will care when we're adults anyways. Maybe she just wants to ruin lives. No idea.

All I know is that she's a bitch you shouldn't try to get close to her unless you wanna get your high school reputation ruined. I hope the rumors about Saihara aren't true, I don't want to believe people our age act like that. On Kaede's posts she claimed that he had been stalking her for months and even sent threat love letters to her house.

At one point she said she felt bad for him. Something along the lines of 'I feel bad for the guy, really. He couldn't handle the breakup and convinced himself we're still together. What a baby, he needs to get over it and leave me alone.'

It bothers me. It bothers me a lot. I didn't do anything at school to help Saihara after school. He looked really nervous. I hope he's okay. Rantaro looks scary. He should stop threatening people constantly, it's over the top.

When I got home I told Papa about it. I'm not sure if he really understood the situation. He simply told me to check on saihara tomorrow, and be cautious around Rantaro. He seems more distant nowadays. He used to give me really good advice, and would even give Dad some too.

He gives out good information every once in a while but most of his answers are short and simple. I hope he's okay.

I asked dad about it too. He told me something similar- to 'check on Saihara tomorrow, and ask him about Amami. If he has a problem with Amami, tell a teacher- They'll know what to do and can handle the situation from there.'

It seems reasonable, it's simple. I don't think adults think about the aftermath though. If Rantaro finds out someone ratted him out, we would most definitely be pissed and would not forget about it.

Why do people have to be so difficult sometimes? I just wish we all treated each other fairly, even if it's a wish I know will never come true. It's nice to think about. Papa said hope is important, so if I keep wishing and hoping maybe Kaede and Rantaro will leave shuichi alone.

But deep down I know wishing won't solve anything by itself.

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