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Earlier the same school day.

(kokichi pov)

It's the same morning routine. Wake up, get dressed, brush your teeth and hair, eat breakfast with dad if there is enough time to. It's just your generic boring routine that is preparing for a generic boring day at school. School isn't really any different either. Sure, we have different classes every two days, but it still feels repeated and boring.

Today I woke up before my alarm, which is nice- I'll have enough time to eat breakfast today. I change into my school uniform, brush my teeth, brush and fix my hair (which can sometimes take a bunch of hairspray, but I don't really mind.)

I gather my stuff for school, and manage to shove it all in my backpack- I'm not very organized. I get up, and leave my room at last. I see dad is already at the table drinking coffee. "Good morning dad!" I say, giving him a smile. He greets me in return, and I make my way into the kitchen to look for food.

I pull out a box of cereal, and pour it in a bowl. I take my seat at the table and I start eating, occasionally saying something to my dad. About 5 minutes later, the bowl is empty.

Standing up, I hug my dad and put my bowl in the sink- the dishwasher is full of clean dishes currently, and papa will most likely unload it when he wakes up. He's pretty much claimed that chore as his own. He can do it really fast too, in about 4-5 minutes.

I've never seen anyone else unload a dishwasher that's not in my family, but I know that it takes dad around 10 minutes and I take around 17, so papa is a lot faster that both of us. Grabbing my bag off the ground, I turn to my dad. "I'll see you after school! Bye!"

Dad nodded, and waved goodbye to me. "I would say have fun at school, but I, not sure if you actually have fun." He laughed, putting his hand down on the table. I open and close the front door, and start my 8-10 minute walk to school.

I live relatively close to where I go to school, so if I'm ever running really late I could always ask dad to drive me to school, and I would still make it on time! I watch each of my steps, not really focusing on what's directly in front of me. That's probably how I got Saihara to fall over me. I feel like such an idiot for that, I should apologize at one point.

I do look down when I walk, but it's not because of eye contact, I just prefer watching my steps..? I don't really know how to explain it. I just grew up looking down while walking, so I don't really like to think too hard about it.

Step by step, i (unfortunately) arrive at school. I see Kaito, Korekiyo, and Rantaro hanging out on the steps in front of the school. Very nice spot to sit, definitely not blocking the way for some people. I don't really like Kaito, he used to be mean to me in middle school, and he sometimes likes to pick on me.

Just really dumb insults anyone can come up with, i think he's running out of ideas so he turned the torture down. Plus Saihara and Kaede are the new drama, so I bet he's all about messing with him instead.

I mean, he is Rantaro's friend, so I'm sure he thinks he is doing the right thing by protecting his friend's girlfriend. I don't know, the whole Saihara situation seems off, it's a bit too intense.

Kaede isn't a person that seems trustworthy anyways, i don't understand why people just take her word and say, yep, Kaede said it so it must be true! I feel bad for Saihara, I really do. He seems like a really quiet and cool guy, so I don't understand why everyone is out to get him all of a sudden.

I walk up the stairs, completely ignoring Kaito and his group of rat friends. Well, I guess Korekiyo isn't that bad, he helped me with my writing homework in class once. But still, he's hanging around shitty people and it gives him the title of a shitty person too.

All I see in that group is 'we're big chads that constantly want to kick anybody's ass because we wanna show off our chad strength teeheeheeteehee chad moment.'

Sorry for that weird thought, I have a lot of those thoughts. But they do like their Chad moment. A little too much. Every day is 'big boy i'mma beat you up day' for them 😔

I open my locker, and I manage to put my bag inside. Some paper falls out of my locker so I just cram it back in. I'll clean out my locker at the end of the year anyways, it's not really a big deal.

The day goes by again, boring as ever. I do make sure to pay attention, I'm doing well in school already and I don't want to suddenly fail anything. I collect my stuff, and I get ready to go home. Well, I was going to if there wasn't like 30 kids just crowding the locker space. What the hell...

I only hear a couple of things, and I already understand what's happening. I hear a female voice screaming 'KILL THE FREAK, KILL HIM!'. I'm assuming that was Kaede. Of course nobody is going to die, but why the hell would she even put that idea in anyone's head...

I need to do something. No offense to shuichi but he seems like he wouldn't be able to fight, at all. I run into the crowd, attempting to push people out of the way. Someone lightly kicked me in the back of the knees, but I don't care. I don't care I don't care I don't care. I need to be helpful, I need to help him.

The first thing I saw was Rantaro slamming Saihara's head on a locker, over and over. Saihara looked so pathetic and helpless, why isn't Rantaro stopping?! Shuichi fell down in front of Rantaro, who just kicked him in the face.

Without thinking, I started running to Saihara. "Hey!" I yelled, trying to get Rantaro's attention. I think Saihara just passed out. Rantaro started walking away. "Stop it! Stop it, come back! Look what you did! What the fuck?! Come back!" No matter how much I yelled and screamed, Rantaro didn't even give me a glance.

He just kept walking. Kaede clinging on his arm, showering him in love. I hate them.

I hate them, I hate them, I hate them. The crowd of people started to break apart, the show was over and now they were going home. Not one other person stopped to check on Saihara who was just laying in a small puddle of blood that was leaking from his nose.

I hate blood, I hate it a lot but right now I need to help. I can't just leave him here, then I would be just as bad as everyone else who just left. "What the hell?" I heard a female voice from behind me, and I turned around and looked up. Maki. Maki was there. "Maki? What are you doing-" I say, but she cut me off.

"What happened to Shuichi?" She asked, glaring at me like I did something horrible to him. "Rantaro decided to-" I started, but she cut me off. "Amami, that bITCH!" Maki yelled, turning her head as if she was looking for him.

I don't really know maki, and she looks scary. I don't like talking to people I don't know, but I have to to help Saihara. "I-I'm going to call my papa-" I say stuttering, pulling out my phone.

Maki nodded. "Anybody is fine, I don't think he needs an ambulance at all, but it's still just sad to look at."

I called papa, and he arrived about 5 minutes later. Me and Maki said goodbye, and she told me to take care of him. I don't know who Shuichi lives with, so when he wakes up we'll ask him and we can call them. It probably looked really suspicious when an adult and a teenager picked up a bloody person, but in the moment that's all I knew to do.

I don't know if what we did was the best thing, but it was all I could think to do. We drove home, and put him on the couch and got most of the blood off of his face. Dad was confused about what the hell was happening and why we had him in our house, but me and papa were too focused on trying to help to answer him.

Eventually, we reached a point where we did enough.

Now we need to wait for him to wake up.

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