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I make my way to class, making sure to watch where I'm stepping. I really don't want to fall on anyone again, that was so awkward... At least he was pretty nice about it and didn't yell at me or something obnoxious. I'm not sure what Kaede even told everyone, so I'm not sure what the appropriate reaction would be at this point.

I open the door to the classroom, and sit down in my seat, putting my bag down under my desk. And now I wait for everyone else to get here... One by one students sat down in their spots, some of course giving me nasty stares. Honestly I'm getting a bit used to it at this point. I don't think anybody wants to exactly hear me out right now, so I might as well give the drama a few days to settle down.

Lost in thought, the sound of the bell ringing got my attention. Oh yeah, class is starting now. After waiting around for a minute, the teacher arrived at last. He's late a lot, and that pisses off some students, but I don't think we should give him a hard time for being a little bit late. I bet keeping up with a bunch of teenagers is hard.

Another lesson goes by. My eyes drift up to look at the clock every once and awhile. I heard somewhere that looking at the clock a lot makes time seem slower if you're bored. Of course it's not actually slower, it just may seem slower..? I'm not entirely sure that was true. Why am I even thinking about this right now...

At last, class ends. Our teacher didn't assign a lot for homework, which is nice. It's getting near one of our breaks, so I'm assuming that's why the homework load is so light recently. That's nice and convenient for my situation right now- I have time to learn why everyone suddenly hated me overnight? Fantastic. At this point I'm not sure I want to know, but it's probably the best if I find out. I want to clear my name and move on with life.

I get up, and grab my bag. Before I leave, I make sure to check the time. It's 10:00 already.. damn. Lunch time...Lunch...Wait. What about Maki! Maki usually sits outside at lunch with me- she's nice to talk to, and I like to listen to her. I'm not sure if we're 'friends' but we feel comfortable enough to sit together. We don't really have anywhere else to sit- she used to hang out with Kaito, but they got in a fight and she told me she refuses to sit with him until he apologizes to her.

I don't think he will apologize anytime soon because I'm sure he's just as mad, but I hope he does so he and Maki can be friends again! They used to hang out all the time, and it's pretty sad seeing them apart for so long. Kaito seems to be fine though, at least better than Maki. He hangs out with Rantaro and Korekiyo constantly, while Maki talks to me and sometimes with Miu.

Maki has listened to me, and I've listened to her- there's a chance she may not believe whatever Kaede told everyone. Well I pray she doesn't believe it. From getting her point of view on situations she's been in, she seems quite smart and usually picks up on what to do. She may know what it's all about too, I'll ask her at lunch if she's there today.

I take a quick trip to my locker and get my food- I only packed rice today, I hope that's enough to hold me until I get home. I go outside, sit down next to the stairs, and wait. I'm not even sure she'll show up, she may be with Miu and Kiibo today. I get a bit tired of waiting, and I start eating. I hear familiar footsteps walking down the steps. Yep, she's here today.

She looked down at me. I smile and wave, and she simply nods. That's okay, I'm happy she even decided to show up. "Class was boring." Maki says, sitting down near me. I giggle a bit. "You have Math first right?". She nods again. This went on for a bit- small and simple conversations. The topics we talk about are usually always the same-

School, Kaito, our hobbies, and even rarely stuff about our home life. "Hey maki, I have been meaning to ask you something.." I say, looking up from my food. "Is this about how everyone is acting towards you?" she asks. It's like she had read my mind.

I nod. "Yeah actually, how did you know..?" I reply.

"Well i'm assuming you notice everyone is acting like an asshole, it was only a matter of time before you asked someone." Maki simply answers. That makes sense. "Do you know anything about it..?" I say, looking back down. I'm a little bit afraid to hear the answer.

"I do actually, not a lot, but I have heard a few things." She replies. I sit up straight. "Can you maybe explain to me? Sorry, I'm just so confused right now.." I say, putting my food down. "Well, I heard rumors about you stalking Kaede and sending her death threats. Apparently she broke up with you and you have been creeping around, stealing stuff, and sending creepy love letters. Not to mention-" she started. "Yeah oh god stop." I say, closing my eyes.

"I get the idea- please say you don't believe that shit, Maki.." I sigh. "Of course not, why would I believe anything that crazy about you out of Kaede's mouth." She groans. I smile. "Thank you Maki... That really means a lot to m-"

The bell rings again. Damn, every time I need to finish a sentence this happens. Annoying.

Maki stands up. "Well. I have chemistry. Bye Shuichi." She says, waving me goodbye and walking away back inside the building. I should be getting to my next class too...

I stand up, and grab my stuff off the ground. At last, I head back inside the school for my next class.

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