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(Kokichi pov)

At last, Saturday.

I woke up at around 12:30, I left my window open so I had sunlight blasting on my face the second I sat up. My god, I should close that window more often! I groan, and I stumble out of my bed to slowly turn on the lights, even though my room is already lit by natural light.

I reach my arms over my head and stretch for a few seconds- I must have slept at a horrendous angle or something... I rub my eyes and leave my room to say hi to my parents- I kinda feel bad for sleeping in late again, even if I don't think they really mind on the weekend.

Dad was the only one I could find- he was sitting at a table and was writing a letter to someone. I mean, you could always write an email, but I guess it depends on the situation...

"Who died." I ask, looking over his shoulder to see what he's writing. Dad looks over at me and sighs. "Well that was morbid- good afternoon to you too." He says, continuing his letter.

"Then why are you writing a letter? Who got in a car accident? Who died-" Continuing my questioning, I sit down next to him. "Kokichi, nobody died or got in an accident. What's wrong with writing a letter?" Dad sighs, shaking his head. He puts down his pen. I smile- "I mean why not write a text or an email? Ohhh or is it something fancy? Who's getting married?"

Dad laughs a little bit at the sudden interrogation. "I'm just writing a letter to Nanami, that's all. It's been a while since we've seen each other and I'm hoping we can meet up sometime? Someone told me she's coming to town in a few weeks, but I don't have her number- sooo, I'm writing a letter."

"Wait isn't she the one that played MarioKart with me and papa a few years back?" I ask, getting a bit happy just remembering the moment. Dad carefully put the letter in an envelope and started writing on it. "I do believe so, yes!"

He finishes up the writing on the envelope and gets up to send it. "Oh yeah, uh-" I start, turning to him. "Where's papa?" "Oh. Nagito." He groans, shaking his head. "He ate all the damn avocado this morning and I wanted some too..."

"So he vanished out of existence?" I say, obviously joking. "Nono, what the- no. We got in a fight over it and he wanted to get out of the house. He's on a walk, and unfortunately it's only a matter of time before he returns." Dad sighs, making his way to the door to send his letter.

"What, Unfortunately?" I yell out at him as he walks out the door. What the hell, adults are so weird fighting over the stupidest and most simple things. Like uh, avocado? I understand that food is important and it really sucks when people eat what you wanted to eat- like a lot- but to the point one had to leave the damn house? Okay then.

Oh well, I don't wanna think about this too much, it's uncomfortable. I sigh and make my way back to my bedroom, then to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I catch myself spacing out, staring at my reflection which isn't the best sight- "Ew." I whisper to myself a little embarrassed about how stupid I look right out of bed.

My hair is an absolute mess- I swear I put my hair up in a loose bun before bed at one point to avoid this issue, but the rubber band is nowhere to be seen and my hair looks like an animal crossing avatar when you haven't played in a few months. Is this the result of using so much hairspray on school days or...

After brushing my teeth, I start the search for my hairbrush which I can't seem to keep track of, even though there are at least 3 in this house. I open a few drawers and rummage through them, and I at last find a brush behind an empty hairspray bottle.

I quickly brush my hair, and then I go back into my room to waste the day away doing absolutely nothing important. It's kinda pathetic. I'll probably watch some anime at one point, but I don't really feel like it right now...

I unplug my laptop out of its charger, and sit down on my bed. I stare at the lock screen for a minute before finally typing in the password, and opening chrome. I don't think I got Saihara's number last night, we should hang out this weekend...

I know my school's website keeps track of our emails, so I go through my bookmarks and click on the site. I navigate my way through the website, and I make it to the roster of my class. I scroll through names of my peers. Hoshi, Tojo, Teran, Akiyama, Iruma... Ah! Saihara!

I click on the name, and it pulls up a student profile with pretty basic information like his name, school photo, email, and family members. Now that I think about it, this is probably how everyone got ahold of Shuichi's email and spammed him earlier this week...

I copy the email address, and send him a quick message-

To: Shuichi Saihara



From: Kokichi

Subject: aa sorry for the email


Hey Shuichi! I'm really sorry for this email, I don't wanna bother you.

It's Kokichi from school, and I was wondering if we could meet up tomorrow?

You seem like a really cool person and I'm really excited to be friends with you :)

Just lmk if you wanna, please don't feel pressured to reply or accept!



I finish typing out the message, aaaaand send. Now I just wait for hopefully a response. Oh shit I hope I didn't type it in a way I sound desperate to make friends, that's not the best vibe... Oh well, it's too late now.

I sigh, and close the email tab. I think now's the time to waste my day away with anime.

Misguided ( discontinued) (reposted)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon