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A/Ns- My gf kaori helped me out with this one!

Also I'm sorry for the slow updates- I've been having a super hard week. I hate school :D

On the  better side, me and kaori made ask blogs for shuichi and Kokichi for fun! Feel free to check it out :) and

(Shuichi POV)

I immediately went home and sat in my room the rest of the day. Kokichi had to cancel his plans for family stuff or something like that,,oh well. It's a long weekend, so I'll be free. Monday, September 7th. My stupid birthday.

Today, of course, was completely pointless. Everyone is coming for my head, and it's not like anyone cares about my birthday at all. I open up my phone and check my emails. I haven't gotten anything important, nothing special. Not even Kokichi emailed me, that's a little sad, but he's probably still sleeping, and we met like three days ago. I made my way to the bathroom.

I immediately fixed up my face with makeup and such. I know I'll have to talk to my uncle today, and it's rude to keep ignoring him. I stared at the mirror, satisfied. A rumbling sound shattered my focus.

My gaze snapped away from the mirror, and I turned to face my door. I heard the loud ass coffee machine running, my uncle must be awake. I exited my room, and looked down the dark stairs, drifting off into thought.

As a young child, my parents never cared about me. They were what I call 'hands off parents'.

They were always off, traveling to different places, they always left me like I was some sort of pushover. My uncle was the one that would take care of me instead. When my parents decided to give me up, he took me in immediately. No signs of hesitation. I was about nine years old, so the memories are a little fuzzy.

Birthdays were never that special to me. There wasn't any sort of big celebration or

anything. The day would just go with a small 'Happy Birthday!" From my uncle, or I would just forget it all together. It's sort of depressing as how everyone else's birthdays are full with gifts, friends and food. While mine were just empty words instead.

My birthday is supposed to be today. September 7th.

I trudge downstairs with my tired legs. I saw my uncle waiting for me downstairs. "Good morning, Shuichi!" He said with a warm smile. He'd even left a coffee and shortcake for me on the table. "What's the occasion? Today isn't very special. Right?" I questioned.

"Don't tell me you forgot your own birthday, Shuichi!" My uncle chuckled. "But that's not a very important event, is it?" "Of course it is, Shuichi. Don't beat yourself down. It should be a special day for you to be happy that you're... Alive, you know? Go drink your coffee and eat your cake before it gets cold."

He got up and gave me a pat on the back before putting on his coat. "I'll be headed to work. Happy Birthday, Shuichi!" He left out the door.

I've never been validated like this. Not in a long time, at least.

I was around 12 years old. A girl in my class gave me a piece of cake during lunch. I don't remember anything about her other than she really, really, liked strawberry milk. She told me "It's your birthday, you should be glad you're still even alive today!" Or something like that. I didn't really know her that much. But it was really nice of her to validate my existence. I wonder what she's up to, it's a shame I don't remember her.

My lowly half-assed existence.

I silently took my seat at the table, and stared at the fork that my uncle had prepared for me along with the shortcake. The fork was a deep silver, and slightly shone under the light. I slowly reached my hand out, and picked it up. It was a bit warm, it must have just come from the dishwasher.

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