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Notes-  As of when I am writing this, I have been spending time with my family this week, so I haven't gotten any chances to write- my good friend Jon wrote this chapter (🧀💰Micro-Cheesalor💰🧀 in my discord server) and I think he did an amazing job! Good job Jon!!! So yes, everything in this fantastic chapter is written by Jon so let him know what you think :)

Side note-
If you don't wanna read shuichi getting beat up, I'll add this emoji -🔴 when the fight starts and 🟢 when it ends :)


I woke again, and checked my phone. It was 5 minutes before the alarm was supposed to ring. I groaned. Since I went back to sleep, I've been sleeping peacefully. Did I wanna relive that experience for just 5 more minutes? My groggy mind came up with the decision to be responsible. I whined internally as I got up out of my bed, and worked myself on over to the kitchen.

I managed to get the coffee machine working quite easily. I soon had a cup of coffee which I enjoyed with every sip. Looking at my phone again, I still had another 5 minutes before needing to leave. Wow, I thought. What did I do differently today? Granted, it wasn't much, but it was enough to take a look in the mirror. I looked at myself, but the reflection was kinda fuzzy.

Weird. I opened the drawer and decided to take out some cleaner. I quickly sprayed and wiped the mirror. Suddenly, in crisp, clear, vision, I could see Rantaro right behind me, laughing to himself with his hands on his hips. "Didn't expect me here, did you? You little prick-" he swung a fist at me, and before I could feel the impact against my cheek, I woke up for the second-erm, third time.

I checked my phone. I was running late. I hurried out of bed, and ran to the coffee machine. I tried getting it to work, but only tiny, bitter drops came out of it. It was no use. I decided to splash some water onto my face as a plan B, only to regret it. My face was dripping wet, and we hadn't gotten a clean towel, so I had to use my sleeves. Great.

I hurried to my car and opened it. I got in and started it. Then I realized, "My bag!" I ran back into the house to get it, and realized the coffee machine was still on. A stream of it was starting to pour without any cup to splash into, so I quickly grabbed an empty one out of the sink and filled it up. With my bag in one hand and coffee in the other, I got into my car and slammed the door shut.

The crack in the window got bigger. "Shit," I mumbled. If I could save up some more money, I could get a greatly needed repair. I drove rather fast on the way to school, shortening the trip by five minutes. When I arrived, I took my last drink from the mug, hoping it could work in time when I got to my first class. I rushed inside and got to my locker.

The first bell had already rang, so I was racing the clock to get to my locker, get my stuff, and get into class. I was careful to look out for Rantaro, as I didn't wanna get my ass torn like wrapping paper on a Christmas morning. Luckily, he didn't show up, so I got to my first class without a struggle.


I opened the door, with glares from everyone except the teacher. "Mr. Saihara, you're late," she said to me. "I, I know..." "Do you have a hall pass, Mr. Saihara?" " not," I tightened my tie a little. "It's cause he was probably stalking Kaede in the girls bathroom," someone said aloud. The rest of the class laughed.

"Now now, Mr. Saihara is a student like the rest of you, and he is to be treated fairly, like every other classmate here." Someone else scoffed at her statement. "I will not tolerate any Hurgus-Burgus of rumors or disrespect in this classroom. Anyone having the audacity to mock Saihara is to answer to me," she got out a meter stick, and smacked it in her hand.

I took my seat as she began another lecture. I felt the dirty stares of some classmates on me still. At this point, I had started to get used to the position of being hated by 95% of the school. Very few people weren't convinced by Kaede's story, including my first period teacher. But...I still wonder how it got to be like this.

I mean, I sure didn't start it by any means. She went off smooching with the guy who now wants to kick my ass just because he's gullible enough to believe her shi-well, if I was still with her, I might have believed those things. Wait...what if there was a lie she told me that I still believe?

Nonetheless, I pulled through the unnerving stares.

Each period seemed to melt into the next. At lunch, I try to look for Maki, only to wait for nothing. I worry constantly for every second I'm not under the supervision of a teacher. I try to blend in with the rest of the people, hopefully not being sighted by Kaede or her new boyfriend.

I managed to work up a somewhat small apetite, and get a pretty meager lunch. Ugh, school lunch is usually pretty good, but on days where the food looks like literal puke, I'd rather eat like, a flower, or something. I still eat what's in my tray and hurry to finish the last few classes. Before I know it, it's the end of the day. It's a matter of seconds before the bell rings. If I don't lose my lunch, I'll probably lose my life instead.

I should've just let him beat me up yesterday. Now, he's gonna kill me...wait. Why would I let him beat me up? Oh right, because he's taller AND stronger than me. I can only hope he only beats 99% and the remaining one percent can still live to see the light of day. Nonetheless, I muster up enough courage.

The bell suddenly rings, and almost everyone rises to get up out of their seats. "THE BELL DOESN'T DISMISS YOU, I DO," said our teacher. The class groaned. "Then why does it tell us to come to class?" Someone cracked. "Oh, we got a smarty pants, huh? Detention." "BALLS!" They sat back down. "Now...class dismissed." Everything was set back into motion. I exited the door, and almost got to my locker.

🔴"Going somewhere, freak?" I heard that terrifying voice. It was, well, you can figure it out at this point. Rantaro grabbed my shoulder, and I turned around to see his fist coming straight for my face. I stumble back a bit upon impact, and a crowd almost instantly forms. My courage instantly melts back into a mix of butterflies and adrenaline.

I want to run, but the crowd is too thick for even the teachers to make their way through. I have to try fighting. I've never fought in my life, as I never saw a reason to. With what little experience I have with it, I need to use it right now. I form a fist, and try shooting it towards him. He easily dodges my arm, then grabs it. I can't pull away, even with all my might.

He starts hitting me in the gut repeatedly, before shoving me into a locker. He wastes no time trying to hit me, but somehow, in the small window of time I had, I managed to duck out of the way. I hear a thunderous bang behind me, then, "FUCK!!" He holds his hand in pain. I take this time to try punching him, and I actually get him across the face.

He takes a step back, then looks at me. "You're dead," he tackles me onto the floor, and continues to blow me in the face, punch by punch. "THAT'S RIGHT BABE!" I hear a cry. "KILL THE FREAK! KILL THE FREAK!" It soon turns into a chant echoed by the entire crowd. Kaede...that...bitch! I remember the reason I'm in this in the first place.

She brought me into this fight in the first place. I couldn't make sure she was successful. During his combination of jabs, I managed to dodge another. He suddenly lost focus, and I took this opportunity to use my head to hit him again. It hurt, but I still managed to get out of the position. I tried to take this opportunity to escape through the crowd, but instantly regretted it.

"Trying to escape, Shuichi? What a coward. Heh, cowardly, AND a creep. Good thing I dumped you for Rantaro. Now he's gonna kick your ass into next week." She shoved me backwards, and I was caught in a grasp by Rantaro. Before I could even do anything, I was kneed in my rear, and my head was banged into a locker several times.

I was starting to go unconscious. I fell to the ground, and saw the amount of blood gushing from my nose. I was lying face down in front of Rantaro's shoes. He kicked me in the face one last time, and everything went dark.🟢

One last thing I heard was someone say, "Hey!" It sounded different from the rest. Needless to say, I wasn't able to figure out who it was as my mind drifted into unconsciousness...

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