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(Kaede POV)

A/N- Kaede's pretty messed up in the brain to the point where i felt like a serial murderer writing her thoughts so uh yeah, if you dislike mentions of gore and all that gross stuff watch out for the green emoji! The red circle is where it ends, so it's safe to read again. I don't really like all that gross gore either but her personality is important so i have to do it i'm sorry, i promise i have never killed anything in my life other than like 82764755 ants because i probably sat on them and crushed them with my booty i'LL SHAKE MY BOOTY IN MY OWN MOV- okjuhiygxdstfay

I think Rantaro is on to me. I don't like that. Not at all. I only did this to spare myself from the damn embarrassment. Shit... I could easily take down Rantaro with my standing at school, but people would get suspicious. Maybe I should lay low this week... I open a small pack of gum, and pop it in my mouth.

I scroll through my social media accounts while silently chewing on the bubblegum, and I read over everything I said about Shuichi. I know I fucked up his school life, but I can't find myself to care. People are jerks and that can't be changed, so why care now?

My eyes scan over 'that' post

I can't keep this in anymore, this needs to be addressed. I've been keeping this under cover for a while now to spare this person from torment because i don't wanna hurt their feelings, but today this person has gone too far. I can't take it anymore, they need to be avoided and need an eye kept on them. Shuichi Saihara, is and has been my ex boyfriend for almost three months. Yes, three months. He's been obsessed since I broke up with him, and won't stop following me around. Everywhere I go, he's there and it freaks me out so much. He just watches me. Follows me. He's a fucking stalker. I'm scared posting this because he's threatened me not to say anything, so if something happens, know it's him. When I got with Rantaro, he told me he was going to kill me, and Rantaro. He once showed me a small pocket knife at lunch, and told me he was going to gash out my eyes with it which really messed me up for the rest of the day. He's a stalker, a creep, a psycho, a pervert, and a monster. There are so many words to describe him, but the list is endless. Please god, stay away from Shuichi. He may look and act all innocent and shy, but I've seen what he's really like. Please, if you want to live in peace, stay away from Saihara.

This was one of the many posts that I put up everywhere on my accounts.

..My lie I like to call it. Only I know that though...And Shuichi, but nobody even trusts him anymore, so whatever he says is pointless. He's too much of a pussy to look me in the eyes, so I doubt he would even say something.

It sucks though. I did kinda like him. He was a good boyfriend, but good things don't last. That's why people suck, they do bad things and don't care, like me. I'm a bad person, and I know that. I don't care at all, not one tiny bit.

Humanity is just so messed up, I've completely lost faith in it. I'd be better somewhere else, like Danganronpa, where everyone has the same mindset- everything is just so fucked up I love it so much. I'm planning to audition for 53, there's no way they can turn me down- I'm perfect for Danganronpa. Perfect.

I have so many murder schemes thought out and i would definitley be able to win the killing game. Just the thought of getting away with murder in Danganronpa makes my blood elivated. Tricking everyone and pointing fingers at other people, guiding them away from you. Getting away unsuspected. Andddd, of course when voting comes around, their faces drop to utter despair when the screen turns red and displays that you were incorrect. The person that was framed would be screaming at the others scolding them all and blaming them for their soon to be painful deaths.

Next the reveal, when monokuma reveals the real blacked while the rest feel betrayed and helpless, and that i've won and they lost. Then one by one i'll watch them alllllllllll get executed~

They died knowing their friend betrayed them. That I killed them all in the end. The blood is on my hands, and i couldnt care less as i watch their stupid horrified expressions as they endure their final moments.

Well i guess the first step is to get away with murder. It can't be that hard, I've watched every season, and episode of Danganronpa, I know all the tricks to getting away with it.

🔴 Hmm, I wonder how I would kill someone. I don't want to be too basic like leon's murder, with a simple kitchen knife, i want to stand out! I want my murders to be the best and most gruesome. Everyone will love them, and everyone will love me. Everything about me.

Maybe I could smash their brains out with a shot put ball, bury them alive, or force someone down a garbage disposal or a blender, drown them in a lake or! Or! Crush their skull into a bloody pulp with a bat! I've been practicing my swings with my softball bat, so my aim will be perfect! They'll never even see it coming.

Ahah, it's perfect. Danganronpa can't ignore me. They have to accept my audition, or I'll rip someone limb from limb slow enough they can feel their bones snapping in half. I'll never forgive them if they don't let me in, never ever. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever. 🟢

They can hate me all they want, i don't care what you think about me, I don't care at all. I'm destined for success. I know when 53's over, everyone would do anythi, i'm going to be everyone's favorite character. I'm the one they'll die for. Everything is going to be perfect.

Rantaro cannot tell anyone, or I'll ruin him too like shuichi. I can't stand the idea of being exposed like that, so I'll do anything to get out of it, bringing down anyone in my way. I don't really mind if Rantaro's my boyfriend.

They only want to hurt me and my status, so why should I care about them? The way he approached me the other day... he was a mixture of confusion and anger.

Rantaro explained how he saw my texts to shuichi, and how there weren't any stalker images of me on his phone. I came up with a stupid excuse of course, I simply told him that "he could have deleted them" and that "he took them on his camera anyways, not on his phone."

The texts were a little harder to get away with- I threw a bunch of crap out there, but in the end it may have worked. I just need him to stay quiet and everything will be fine. Everything.

In the end, I'm not sure what he actually believes. He didn't say anything specific, and when he left it was a very neutral goodbye instead of a more positive or negative one, and that's usually how I understand how other people feel. Well.. Facial expressions matter too. He looked at me funny.

Like for example, if you make a bad grade on a test and your mother doesn't frown at you in the car line you know that she doesn't know, and you can probably get away with it. Well, as long as you burn the evidence I guess. Or shred it.

Rantaro looked at me with slight disgust, like he was staring at a maggot in a glass of lemonade, or an expired plate of food. Not complete disgust, but still disturbed. I'll have to change his mind back so he'll believe me. Stupid Rantaro, getting himself in a situation like this...

Whatever happens in the end, I won't lose. I know that for sure. Everybody trusts me more than Rantaro anyways, all he does is yell at people he's instructed to. He's like a brainless guard dog, really.

The bubblegum I was chewing started to taste like rubber. From a bright fruit flavor to a rubbery bitter gray in a matter of minutes. It's like chewing the life out of someone, slowly but surely. It reminds me of shuichi. Stupid bubblegum Shuichi.

I spit the gum away into the garbage.

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