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I woke up like an hour ago and thought. You know? I should write the next chapter. So here we are.  

Also I posted this chapter with no title!

 Hello, I'm Kiki! I'm running for the ultimate dumbass award 

(Shuichi Pov)

Same Day, just earlyyyyyy in the morning )

I woke up at around 5:30 this morning in a sweat- another nightmare. It's pretty amusing how I didn't have many dreams or nightmares before this whole situation. I know I need to do something to help myself before this disaster gets any worse.

Sitting here doing nothing isn't helping anyone, and while I acknowledge that I can't bring myself to say something. I'm being restrained by fear, which means I'm letting them get to me. I can't let them get to me!

That means I'm allowing them to win, and Kaede will get away clean without any consequences. God, I really need to stop being such a wimp and stand up for myself. Self confidence is key in a situation like this, I need to believe in myself! But then again, I don't want to be overconfident...

I sigh and sit up in my bed. My eyes haven't adjusted to the darkness yet, so I'm just starting at a gloomy dark wall. Honestly, I should really go back to sleep, I really need it after what occurred today. I have yet to see what I look like with all these band-aids and random medical items, but I can only assume it's not the best look on me.

If my uncle sees me like this I'll be totally busted... To be honest even though we're super close i'm still super anxious to discuss this problem with him. I'm sure he'd do his best to take care of it for me, but I still can't bring myself to say anything.

I lied to him last time we talked, and even if he completely saw through it I still can't help but feel bad. Sure, everyone lies sometimes but it's an uncomfortable situation to put yourself in. Fictional characters make it seem so easy, like Celestia Ludenburg from Danganronpa.

I LOVE Danganronpa. Everyone loves Danganronpa, it's such a good show. I hear season 52 is coming soon. I'd love to be in the show, but I don't think I have enough talent. Well, maybe that's why people want to be in it so bad? To be important...

If I was going to audition for Danganronpa, i'd want to be the Ultimate Detective... Sure, I look up to my uncle a lot, but Kyoko Kirigi is soo cool... She has to be one of my all time favorite characters.

She's so smart and seems nice and like a person that wouldn't cheat on you with an avocado who's entire personality is wanting to beat up people. Ugh, I wish she was real. She would come to school and tell Rantaro off and save my ass and then we'd get married and live happily forever. Iffff dreams like that could come true. If only...

What was I thinking about again? Lying? Oh yeah... Aw, but thinking about that is stressing me out... So I'll... Ignore the entire situation until the last minute..... But still I can't let my Uncle see me like this. Just thinking about the conversation we would have if he did find out makes me shudder.

I sit in the dark for a while, before I decide to finally get up and look at how bad the damage is. I hold on to the wall as I make my way to the bathroom, I honestly don't want to fall and make it any worse.

After shuffling around in the dark for a little while, my hand finds the light switch and I turn on the lights, temporarily blinding myself. Ouch. I blink a few times and stare in the mirror. It actually wasn't as bad as I imagined it to be. My nose is still in one piece and not bent in a bizzare direction and my cheeks aren't super swollen.

But then again, some injury was caused. I visibly had a black eye on my left eye, my lip was slightly swollen and my face looks like it's been punched multiple times- wicht has. Jesus Christ Rantaro, this wasn't necessary.

Maybe next year I should think about switching schools... I can just start over fresh and nobody will know anything about kaede's lie. Maybe I can make more friends..! Speaking of friends, I don't think me and Kokichi exchanged numbers so we could text.

I'll email him about it later I guess. Maybe he and Maki would be friends too? It would be fun if we could all hang out together like other friend groups do at school. But then again, Kokichi seems shy and timid while Maki is very direct and well... Can sometimes be scary.

Well you never know... Maybe they're already friends? Oh, but Maki's never talked about him, and he usually goes everywhere independently. I'll do what I can to make everyone get along I guess, but I know I can't force things.

Yawning, I shut off my light and I haul ass back to my bed. For some reason when you're under a blanket you feel more secure, and not like the devil will rise out from under your bed and grab your foot. Even though I know that wont happen, it still won't stop me from moving quickly.

I'm pretty sure that's a common thing most people do, so I don't want to worry too much about it. Imagine Rantaro running back to his bed because he doesn't want a monster to get him. Haha... That actually makes him seem a little less terrifying.

I lay back down, and stare at the ceiling. Now I wait to fall back asleep... Aaand I can't sleep, and I'm wide awake. Fantastic! Is it because I turned on the light or... I'm not even sure. God damnit I just want to rest.


Now that i think about it, in order to fall asleep you need to pretend to be asleep. That's pretty weird. That would be on r/showerthoughts or something like that. Well, maybe for starters I should stop starting at the ceiling and close my eyes...

And just like that, almost a few minutes later, I was asleep. 

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