Arc 3 the king

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The next few days for aoi was not too much hard, time flies past when you are a blacksheep and secluded member of a social hierarchy,

In these few days exactly 5 days since he came to this new world without information and without his annoying system. At first he thought ' oh looks like i wouldnt have to deal with that stupid runt'
But alas he grew accustomed to said 'runt',

As he was again lost in his own headspace he heard the snickers and sniding  remarks of some random aristocrats,

'Look at that pathetic measly bastard' a young griff with a lean stature and blonde locks, and ocean eyes said,

'That sickening loafer should've never been born' they laughed after each remarks,

But it didn't stop there they advanced towards him with their sickening heels.
The training space has tempered aoi's mind that right now was not a good time to be impulsive and do something that might cause ripples,

But there was a calling in his body, a voice that needs to be let out, almost like a soul that yearns to pour out its frustration,

”oi  get out of this pavillion now you dirty it with your presence“

As the blonde boy said that he pulled aoi's long white hair, causing a yelp from aoi they all laughed and snickered aoi just held his head low but an inner turmoil was brewing inside of him,

”what happened adrienne? Scared?“ the blonde slew saliva at his direction ”twat“,

He was about to strike adrienne again but luckily lucilia came and stopped the incoming intrusion.

after that the group of youths scattered as they saw the furious maiden, adrienne looked at lucilia and wondered why does nobles looked scared of her.

After nursing adrienne the palace physician left swiftly as if she doesnt want to be associated with him,

Really is a head scratcher, lucilia left a long while ago as she said she needs to file a complaint to the elders at the palace to how he was being treated like dog feces,

Despite being a prince from the kingdom of
Leoht, seeing as there was nothing to do the youth climb out of the wooden cedar bed and decided to head to find some scriptures pertaining this world.

So he was firm on going to a library, he got out of the infirmary and walked till he spotted a young boy being beaten,

The boy was taut and wallow he had hair as bright as snow and eyes as dark as charcoal, skin as luminous as the moonlight, he also caught sight of a blonde youth stomping on the cowering boy.

He and the boy both saw eachother eye to eye, before the vision disappeared 'interesting' he pushed it on the back of his mind and strutted forward to one of the patrolling knights he initiated a conversation asking for directions,

The knight looked to be inexperienced and naive, a boy almost his age. He happily gave him directions, he didn't notice as to why a palace resident doesnt know his way around.

The naive knight might be useful on some occasions best to be in contact with him,
Adrienne asked the knight his name "i am damien sire" the youth saluted with an ernest look, the young aristocrat was quite amused, the knight stuttering also asked his name "m-may this humble one also know this young lords name?",

Adrienne smiled and opened his mouth "you may address me as adrienne" before they can continue with their conversation a knight pulled at young and naive damien and reprimanded him "you shouldn't have any contact with that boy lest he brings you disaster" as if deaf the young damien just ignored his words while waving at the young adrienne,

Continuing on with his quest he finally reached a library, and decided to pile up books related to history and the royal family tree, he learned a lot of new information.

The world of devuniake

Thousands of years ago

A prophecy was made a boy with eyes as black and putrid as miasma,

And locks as bright as steel,

Will bring destruction to this kingdom,

The kingdom of protophyta,

This land was green and fertile so much so that a charred and broken seed can grow without water just the nourishment of the soil,

But the prophecy laid true a boy described in the prophecy was born to a king and his queen...

As adrienne was immersed in his book he noticed that the page was missing a piece,

Causing a dissatisfied adrienne to go back and rest to his quarters.

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