Chapter 4

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After school, I didn't talk to anyone; I head straight to my car and left. Everybody kept texting me asking why I was so pissed off, but I was so mad I didn't answer. They were all texting on the group chat, but Connor was in it, so I didn't want to say anything. I would've told them in a separate chat but I didn't feel like talking about it... Period. I just told Ricky, because he - he's different, and he knows what I'm going through. Plus Connor stays at their place now so he asked him about Ava; Ricky told me he just blushed and said that nothing was going on between them and that even Kian and JC saw him staring at her in the cafeteria.
Every day after that, Ricky and I would walk together, right next to each other. JC and Kian would be walking right behind us, because I guess they figured out I was jealous... Like madly, extremely jealous.
Every time we walked in the halls, I would glance at the distance and see Connor laughing with Ava, and I would close my fist really tightly, breathe really deeply and close my eyes in control of my temper, and would get closer to Ricky. I couldn't get mad at Ava, because I knew she's innocent and that she loves and cares about me, and I knew who she had a crush on, and it wasn't Connor, so I didn't mention her in my thoughts. But one day, with all the control, I couldn't take it anymore! I've been controlling for two weeks, and he had still not talked to me, and I couldn't take it. He was still living with the boys, and every time Ricky, JC or Kian would mention Ava, he would blush. I honestly was so mad, I started tearing up. I closed my eyes, I closed my fist, and I took a deep breath, but I still felt a tear role down my cheek. I couldn't even open my eyes anymore; I knew they would be the first people I would see.
Ricky put his arm around my shoulder and my upper arm. I turned to his side and shoved my face in his chest and just cried. He hugged me tight and Kian and JC gathered around us; they were also looking at Connor and Ava from behind us.
A random girl - one of the fangirls - came up to us and squealed her lungs out;
"OMG! Are you guys dating?!" She asked.
I released Ricky, and turned back to see the girl; I was now shoulder to shoulder with Ricky... More like shoulder to arm since he was so much taller than me.
"Huh?" I said underneath my breath, confused. But all I could see was Connor still talking with Ava. I teared up even more and my face turned really hot.
"So? Spill the juice, guys! We want to know everything," she said. I was still confused, since all I saw was Connor flirting with Ava. Everything was soon really blurry; my eyes were watery and I couldn't breathe. I felt Ricky's hand touch mine. I look at our hands, then I looked back up at his face. He nodded lightly, so I took that as a 'follow my lead'.
"Yes, we um - we are," he said hesitantly. I wiped off my tears and nodded. He held my hand and we both looked at each other.
"Oh. My. Gosh," she said as her jaw dropped. "This is SO CUTE! You should totally kiss for the fan page! Do it, do it," she insisted.
"Um - no," I said nervously.
"Not now, please," said Ricky.
"Oh come on! Please, please, please! At least just a hug," she begged. She was so annoying, so we finally hugged for a picture. She promised it would be only one, but she actually took at least eleven, so we just ignored her and left. He held my hand as we turned to leave, because he felt that tears were beginning go gather in my eyes as they got big and puffy.
"How pathetic was that girl?" He said sarcastically.
"Yeah," I giggled.
"Ah! There it is, there's that pretty smile," he told me. That made me chuckle; Ricky is definitely the guy you want to be around if you need some cheering up! "Hey, Bethany, don't cry over him; I know why he's acting like that, I know Connor! Even if he never mentions you anymore, I know how much he loves you, so don't be angry, please." I nodded and wiped my tear drops because I had nothing to say. I couldn't make eye contact with him yet. "Do you know - why I said that we were dating?" He asked me. "Because I care about you way too much to see you suffer like that, okay? I want people to think that you're over him... Especially himself! Connor Franta needs to know that he can't turn you down like that. If Connor wants to make you jealous, then let him do it; you can't believe that he actually loves Ava... Do you?" He said before I answered.
"What if he does, Ricky? You have no idea how much I love him and he - he's breaking me apart!" I said balling my eyes out.
"He doesn't! Trust me, Bethany, he loves you more than anything in the entire world; not nearly as much as you love him, trust me!" He said hugging me. "I promise you, after what I made up about us today, he will come back crawling, okay? Trust me," he assured me.
When I got home, and disabled Airplane Mode on my phone, it blew up with notifications... More than usual... Everyone was tweeting me and mentioning me and Ricky in tweets with all the same link, so I decided to open the link.
It was a link to a Bethany Mota fan site (I was flattered to know someone created a website for me, by the way,) and then popped up a page that read: "WORD ON THE STREETS: BETHANY MOTA AND RICKY DILLON DATING" and the picture the girl had taken of us in the halls. She also secretly took a picture of us holding hands after we left!
"That little brat!" I said angrily. I called Ricky in a hurry to ask if he had opened the link.
"Yeah! That's great," He said.
"Great? What do you mean great?" I yelled. "This is a disaster! What is Connor going to think?"
"Exactly what we want him to think! Listen, he wants you to be jealous, or he's just mad at you for some reason, so let's tease him a little, like he's doing to you," he explained.
"I don't want him to hate me even more, please don't tell me he will," I whined.
"Oh, yikes," he said.
"What do you mean yikes?" I asked.
"I thought you wanted him to be jealous... I'm so sorry, Beth, I had no idea! I didn't mean for that to happen, I swear. I just wanted you to feel better, I promise you," he said.
"Oh my gosh, Ricky! I can't believe this, this couldn't possibly get any worse," I said as I frustratedly slapped my head and pulled my hair back. But I guess I had spoken too soon...

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