Chapter 14

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I went home, but my parents weren't there. Although, they had left a not for me on the table counter.
"Hey sweetie! You weren't picking up your phone so we called your friend and they told us you were at the boys' place. We're out having lunch; there are some left overs in the fridge and if you don't want those then just make something... Love, mom and dad," I read out loud. So the house is all mine... Yay! I thought to myself and ran up to my room. And following my nightly routine, I took a hot bath and watched Pretty Little Liars to try and get someone out of my head... But that someone never did.
The next day, I didn't do anything much, since I was supposed to have lunch with Connor. I have to admit, I wasn't the happiest girl in the world, thinking about it. I was actually stressed, and mad. I had no idea where he was taking me, and I didn't know how I was supposed to dress. And since I was really angry with him, I just went with a pink knit sweater and some black leggings with brown boots. I didn't carry a bag, and I didn't put on my casual makeup; I barely put any... I kept my hair natural and messy, and I actually didn't care about my look, for once.
"Where are you going?" Asked me my mom while I went downstairs.
"I'm uh - I'm going out with Connor," I answered.
"For lunch? But I'm cooking just for you," she whined.
"I'm sorry, momma," I chuckled. "I just - I need to talk to him; it feels like it's been forever since we talked privately," I said. I heard knocking on the door, and no surprise, it was Connor. He was all dressed up and I felt a little weird, because I looked like a mess.
"You look amazing," he told me, holding my hand right after I closed the door, headed to the car. He held my hand but I denied it.
When we got to the car, I didn't say a word. I kept looking at my phone, between my hands. He didn't start the car, and although I wasn't looking at him, I felt like he was staring at me.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing... Let's just go," I said. He clenched his jaw and drove to a restaurant. It was an Italian restaurant; he knew I loved Italian food.
"Table for two, please," he told the waitress as we came in. She led us to our table and we sat down. He took his menu and started reading the platters out loud. I ignored him and wandered my eyes around the restaurant. I didn't want to talk to him.
"Beth?" He called dropping his menu on the table. "Why are you mad?" He asked me.
"Connor! Hi, babe," said a girl, getting a little too close to him. "How are you? What brings you here?"
"What I'd like to know is what brings you here, Andie," he told her.
"Will you excuse me, for a sec?" I said, running to the ladies' room. I started crying so hard; I knew that girl. She looked extremely familiar; she was the girl that kissed him at The Club, that night. I cried so hard that I couldn't catch my breath anymore. I got a text from Kian after a couple of minutes of crying.
"Get out of the bathroom, Beth," read the message. I dried my tears and did as the messages said. Kian was standing there, right outside the restroom. I threw myself into his arms and just cried. He caressed my hair and back and tried to calm me down.
"I hate him, I hate him so much!" I whined into his shirt. I peeked at our table, and found the girl still hitting on him. "I can't believe him, he's such a jerk!"
"Let's get out of here, Bethany; I'll take you out for lunch. Forget him," he told me, his hands on my cheeks. I nodded Okay and held his hand. Before we walked away from the restrooms, I kissed his cheek for a couple of seconds.
"I love you, Kian," I whispered in his ear.
"I love you, Beth," he said back to me.
We held hands and walked out of the restaurant. I got in the car, and right before we took off, we spotted Connor running out of the restaurant, heading towards us. I cried even more, seeing him come.
"Bethany! What are you doing?" He yelled.
"I never want to see you again, Connor... How could you do this to me? I love you more than my life itself, and I would do anything in the world to you. But you bring me on a date, and I was dumb enough to think that you care about me enough just to make me feel a little bit better, at least. I would have understood if you, for example, explained to what's her name that we were on a date! But you let her hit on you like that? I can't wait for the day when I look at you and feel absolutely nothing, because all I'm feeling now is regret, denial and pain, because I love you this much to keep believing and hoping," I cried. He put his hands on the car's door, and breathed deeply.
"I-I'm sorry... I love you," he whispered. I mouthed "Me too," and told Kian to drive away.

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