Chapter 17

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The next day, I got up early because I knew the boat had to leave at 10:35AM sharp; Roxy told us the captain won't wait a minute for anyone to come... He's french, and impatient, and really stubborn.
I put on some light wash shorts, a shier white tank top over my pink neon laced bikini and brown leather braided sandals, my round Urban Outfitters glasses, and my Victoria's Secret beach bag.
At exactly 10:20AM, I grabbed my keys and hit the road. I arrived just on time; the captain was yelling at Roxy in french, while she tried to calm him.
"Rox," I called her as I ran towards her, breathing heavily.
"Where were you? Gosh, we've been waiting for you and Jack for ten minutes; I've been trying to calm Captain French Toast since 10:05 because apparently he came too early!" She explained. "Did you happen to see Jack, on your way?" She asked me nervously.
"Nope..." I said popping my lips. I exhaled and ran over to the man and tried to convince him to wait a couple of minutes for Jack to arrive.
In the mean time, I went inside and explored the beautiful boat and admired the sea. I searched for Connor between the group but couldn't find him anywhere, yet Roxy hadn't mentioned him while we talked about Jack and I being late. I got worried he might have left to Minnesota, but I didn't want to believe that.
"Hi," jumped Kian behind me and scared the heck out of me.
"Kian!" I gasped. "Hi," I smiled. He smiled back.
"Who are you looking for?" He asked taking my bag and putting it with the others on a carpet next to us.
"Connor," I said, looking around.
"Connor? You didn't know he wasn't coming?" He asked. I shook my head. "Yeah, he came, gave me a letter for you and left... Here," he explained, handing me the letter.
"Thanks," I told him. He put his hand on my back and left.
"'Catch up with you later," he winked, walking away. I opened the letter quickly and read:
Dear Bethany,
I don't know if you're looking for me, but if you are, continue reading, and if you don't care, stop and burn this letter.
I already told you I want to leave to Minnesota as soon as I can, and I was lucky enough to find a one way ticket to my family today. I explained to you why I'm doing this yesterday, so I don't need to do it again, but just to clarify one thing: I'm doing this for our sake; I love you.
I love you way too much to keep on hurting you, plus being around you every day is hard, because I can't look at you without thinking about how perfect we would be together. And knowing that you don't really love and care about me as much as I do about you hurts me as well. I know you care, but nobody had ever loved anyone as much as I love you, and it makes me feel so bad about myself to know that I once almost killed you.
I hope you forgive me one day, and realize how much you mean to me.
You probably don't want to know because you're having the best time with the group, but my plane leaves at 11:00AM, so now you never have to know or hear about me, nor look at me anymore.
I love you more than anything in the world... More than there are stars in space... More than anything in the entire universe, Bethany Mota. And just for your knowledge, I already miss you so much, it hurts....
I tried not to cry while reading that, but then I looked at the time he mentioned in his letter; the time his plane was supposed to leave, then checked the current time. It was 10:42AM.
"Arden!" I called her over; she was the first girl I saw.
"Beth," she said, running towards me.
"How far are we from the airp-" I started.
"Il est venu en fin? Merci, Dieu! On y va, maintenant?" Mumbled the french guy.
"Si, señor! I mean, oui - no - ou- why didn't I take french?! Oui!" Yelled Roxy, inviting Jack into the boat.
"The airport?" Continued Arden. "It's about twelve minutes from here," she said. I can make it! I thought.
"Thanks," I told her and took off running. The boat had already left the harbor - not more than ten inches away from the wooded platform, at least - but even though we weren't that far away, I begged the captain to stop, but he wouldn't do it. And before we were 1.7 meters - more or less - away from the platform, I decided to jump. So I took a few steps back, and ran as fast as I can to land on the bridge.
"Bethany!" Gasped everyone as I jumped. One of my feet missed the platform, so I slipped, but luckily, I was able to hold myself back up before I fell in the water. It was one of the scariest and riskiest moments of my life, but it was worth it. Even thought I scratched my leg and it was burning like ice and salt on my skin, it didn't stop me from taking Ava's mini motorcycle and heading to the airport. Keep in mind, I had only fifteen minutes to get to not only the airport, but to the terminal he's in.
There was a lot of traffic, and I panicked more than ever. Every time the cars in front of me stopped, and I was blocked, I took out my phone, checked the time, my soul cried, call Connor, but his phone would be off.
"The phone you are trying to reach is currently-" answered the answering machine lady.
"Oh, shut up!" I yelled into the phone. I would've taken the bike's road, but it was at least seven minutes longer. And when I checked my phone for one last time, it said 10:55AM, and my heart dropped.

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