Chapter 12

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Connor had told me that he wanted to see me so he would talk to me about something important, but months passed and we never talked about it. I tried to ignore him as much as possible, and he did the same, but we couldn't stay apart for long. I would always send him texts and we would talk sometimes, but rarely. For example, when we had group work to do together at school, we talked... It was awkward... But at the end, it's always one person who ends up doing everything alone.
We didn't cut our friendship out completely, and we weren't strangers again... Yet. We kept our communications running, but nothing really special; our friendship was slowly fading, and it felt so wrong when I thought about us not talking at all.
I knew it was time we tried to get into a serious relationship, but I was scared to mention it; we were never alone, and we are constantly trying to avoid talking to each other. It hurt me so much, and him too... I knew it.
This is not what I wanted; I wanted us to stay best friends, but not a couple. But at that moment, we had almost forgotten who we were.
One day, when the bell rang at school, and it was time for lunch break, he grabbed me while I was getting out of class and took me to a place in the school campus. It was a little far from the building. He took me to a huge tree - the oldest at school - and we sat under it on a bench.
"Why are we like this?" He asked. "Is this what you wanted?"
"No, Connor. I didn't mean for any of this to happen," I said looking at the floor. He lifted my chin up so we would make eye contact. I gazed into his beautiful green eyes, and felt so right; like I belong with him. I looked back down because it was extremely awkward. He touched my thighs knowing I would look back up at him. His hand felt cold on my bare skin.
"What is happening?" He asked me. "Do you remember... When my dad passed? And you stayed over and we um... We kissed?" I nodded. "Well that was the best moment of my life, and nothing would top that, if I'm not with you," he said. "Can we try again?"
"Yeah? You really want to?" I asked.
"Yeah... I-I really do," he confirmed. I kissed him, and it felt so good... And right. We were meant to be together, and I knew it... He knew it.
"We're going to a club on Saturday," he said.
"A club?" I asked him.
"Well, it's a diner, but it's called The Club, so I consider it a club," he answered. "Want to come?"
"Why not? But who's we?"
"The guys and I... Only... Don't worry; no strangers," he winked and got up. I followed him to the daylight and we ran to the school building; the bell had rang and everybody was going inside.
I waved at Connor as I went to class, with a big smile on my face.
After school, I went back home and texted Ricky; he was sick and didn't go to school that day.
"Mind if I join you guys on Saturday?" I texted him.
"You're coming to The Club?" He asked.
"Yeah," I sent, then he called me.
"Connor's going to be there," he said.
"He invited me," I stated.
"What? Are you serious?"
"Heck yeah!" I told him. "We um... We kind of, sort of kissed today... At school."
"What?!" He yelled into the phone. His voice shrank and I felt his saliva choke him before he coughed and continued. "Slay girl, slay!"
"Hehe," I blushed.
"So, are you guys a thing yet?" He asked. I could literally see him sliding his eye brows at me saying that.
"Um... That's the thing - that's why I called you..." I said. "I don't know if I should let us happen..."
"I say: Go for it! You never know unless you try, Bethany. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" He said. I nodded to myself.
"You're right... We should at least try, because we love each other," I told him. "Thanks, Ricky; you're an amazing best friend, and I don't know what I would do without you."
"Same here, Beth; I love you... A lot," he said.
"Way more," I insisted. He hung up and and after that, all I did was think about how great it would be if we dated.

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