Chapter 8

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"Bethany," he whispered smiling. I looked at him and felt a lump in my throat. "Um... Beth, I swear to God, I never meant to hurt you like this. It's just that I was so hurt that, I just lost control, and I'm so, extremely sorry," he teared up. He sat down on the chair next to my bed and held my hand, like my mom did.
"How did you get here?" I asked him.
"I saw your parents leaving to the café and they told the guard I was your cousin," he answered. "But listen to me, Bethany, I swear to God, I never thought this would happen, I promise! You have no idea how much I cried when Ricky called me telling me you ran away. I cried for exactly three day, five hours, eight minutes and twenty four seconds, and counting. I went back home because I didn't want to talk to anyone unless they told me you came back. My heart dropped to the floor when they reported you missing on the news! I love you, and those three days were hell to me; thinking that I may have killed you? It kills me! I love you more than anything in the world, I swear I do, and the least you could do right now is look me in the eyes, please," he cried. I looked at his beautiful green eyes, and also cried with him. "You're not the one who's supposed to be crying, Bethany," he said.
"I am," I told him as I wiped my nose and tears. "I forgive you, Connor..."
"You - you really do?" He asked. I nodded. "Thank you, Bethany. I um - I guess I'll just leave-"
"No, don't leave me, please," I told him pulling him back as he got up to leave. "I want you to stay with me; I love it when you're around," I smiled. He nodded and smiled back, then he kissed my hand.
"It's freezing," he giggled about my hand.
"Then hold it tighter for me, will you?"
"Yeah," he smirked. I put my other hand on his cheek and wiped his tear. I tried to sit up straight to get closer to him, but he insisted and didn't let me. "You need to rest," he told me.
"I guess resting for four days is enough for a week," I chuckled and sat straight. I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I love you to... No matter what," I whispered into his ear. He let go of my hand and touched my face, and kissed me, even though I was pretty sure the oxygen tubes were bothering him.
"I'm sorry, Bethany; I still hate myself for what I did to you, I swear. I was over dramatic because of my dad's death and I couldn't even go to his funeral and it's just that... I really wanted something between us to change for the better and I was just mad at everything; I was as heartbroken as you were but I tried to hide it with Ava, and I am beyond sorry. You mean the entire universe to me and I ha-" he told me after we kissed. I kissed him again to make him shut up. "I like your special way of shutting me up, Ms. Mota," he smiled. I laughed at his comment and slapped him arm playfully.
My parents came in and interrupted our chat - a few minutes after that - and Connor had to leave. I felt happy when he came... When we kissed. It felt right, but at the same time, I was afraid of getting in a serious relationship with him.
"So... You made up with Connor?" Asked my mom.
"Yeah," I answered.
"He's a nice guy, isn't he?" Said my dad. I nodded as he handed me a water bottle and a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. My parents had no idea we 'fought', because I never told them. I cared way too much about Connor to have him get in trouble because of me, even though I almost died because of him. I ate the sandwich quickly, then asked my parents when I could go back home.
"Tomorrow," smiled my mom. "They want to make sure you're okay before they let you go home."
"You're hungry aren't you?" Laughed my dad.
"Well I guess it's because I haven't eaten in four days," I chuckled. "How are my friends? Connor just told me they were all really worried..."
"They're happy you're fine, and they all can't wait for you to get out of here so you would 'go get some coffee at Starbucks'" she smirked.
"Me too," I smiled. "Um... Wait what time is it?" I asked stuffing the sandwich in my mouth.
"It's 5:46P.M, sweetie," said my dad.
"And at what time do we leave tomorrow?"
"In the morning, I guess... As soon as you wake up, we'll be out, I promise," winked my mom.
"Great," I smiled.
"Tell your friends to go home; no need for them to stay here... They've already slept here last night; oh, they're so cute," she chuckled.
"Yeah; they're the best," I smirked. An awkward silence possessed the room. My parents were thinking, and I know exactly what they were worried about. "Mom, dad, stop worrying. Forget it, okay? I just - I-I needed space," I explained (lied) hesitantly. They looked at me as if they didn't believe me, though I couldn't look them straight in the eye and make eye contact. They finally nodded and I felt my conscience yelling at me; I felt guilty for lying to my parents, but I didn't have a choice.
"Next time, just let us know, okay? We could've just... I don't know... Um-" thought my dad. "Listen, I am willing to book you a hotel to stay in, all by yourself, when you want some space, okay? Just, don't ever do this again, please," he told me.
"I-I'm sorry... I just - I got paranoid and panicked, and I figured I might as well just go for a walk, then my mind took over my body and I just ran away, and I'm sorry..." I said looking at my fingers.
Somebody knocked on the door, and my mom hurried to open it. It was Alexi, Roxy and Ava. I chuckled happily and opened my arms for a hug. They ran over to me and hugged me.
"Oh my gosh, guys, what are you doing here?" I asked. "How did you get here?"
"Does it matter? Oh my God, what the hell were you thinking when you left?" Said Ava.
"We were worried sick about you!" Told me Roxy.
"We were all crying, you have no idea; we were all in the park asking anyone who walked by if they had seen you and we were all balling our eyes out! Even the boys," stated Alexi.
"Forget it, I don't want to talk about it," I answered.
"We're going to leave you girls alone," smiled my parents going out of the room.
"Connor," said Ava.
"What?" I said confused.
"It was Connor... The reason you ran away," she explained.
"Wait, what? How do you know that?" I asked.
"Oh my God, it was really him?!" Said both Alexi and Roxy at the same time. Ava nodded.
"I felt it; he never paid attention to you and he was always stuck to me... It annoyed me when he did that, especially when I figured out he was doing it to make you jealous, because you're one of my best friends. I'm sorry, I swear I had no idea until this thursday - the day before you ran away - when Ricky told me," she apologized.
"It's not your fault," I assured.
"I know it's not, I just feel like... I don't know, I feel like a big part of the reason you left is... Me," she said.
"It's not, Ava; it was Connor... But we made up," I explained.
"What? You made up?" Gasped Roxy.
"He in a way kidnapped you, but you still made up with him?" Said Alexi surprised.
"You are so crazy! You know now he'll think you're his doll and he could break you and fix you whenever he wants to, right?" Told me Ava.
"Listen, I know Connor; he's not that kind of guy. You guys should know it too! But I understand what he's going through; his dad died and I had promised to come back to see him the next night and I never got the chance to apologize to him since I never showed up... It's stupid but he was heartbroken, and when you're heartbroken, you go crazy, and you can't control anything anymore-"
"Bethany?" Interrupted me a nurse coming in. "Oh, I didn't know you had visitors... Are they your sisters? Cousins?"
"Cousins," I replied quickly.
"Okay... Um, girls, you need to leave now, if you don't mind; Bethany's doctor is on his way," she said. We all pouted and they left the room after hugging me, one by one.

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