Chapter 5

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I couldn't believe who was at my door. I was happy, scared and angry at the same time, but mostly scared.
"Connor - wh- what are you doing here?" I asked hesitantly.
"Your mom let me in..." He said.
"Well, I have nothing to say to you Connor," I said looking down, shaking my leg, in a very serious tone.
"But I do," he told me, pausing between 'I' and 'do', also in a serious tone. "Bethany, are you and Ricky dating?"
"Why do you want to know?" I said with an attitude.
"Just answer the question," he said.
"Why? The answer wouldn't matter to you anyways," I told him, also in a bitchy attitude.
"Bethany! Don't do this, please-"
"Wait, what? You want me to 'not do this'? Seriously? All you've been doing for the past two weeks was ignoring me and flirting with Ava, and it's freaking burning my soul inside! My question is: What is going on between you and Ava?" I yelled angrily.
"Ava? The YouTuber Ava? Ava Allan? Our best friend Ava Allan?" He said as I nodded rapidly. "What? Nothing! There is nothing going on between me and Ava Allan, okay? Absolutely nothing," he stated.
"Oh really? Then why haven't you talked to me for two weeks, huh? Why have you been stuck to Ava like a magnet and a coin? It is, to be completely honest, killing me; it's destroying me - for your information - and it's breaking my heart! You are breaking my heart!" I cried.
"You - you are the one who's not talking to me! And why didn't you show up that night when you promised you'd come back to visit after you're done with your homework? I was waiting for you on the front porch the entire night and you never showed up!" He said.
"Then why didn't you call me? I was pulling my hair out, trying to finish everything before ten o'clock at night but I fell asleep on the desk! I wanted to apologize the next morning as school but I ran late, then at the cafeteria, when I tried to walk up to you, you were hugging Ava. I wanted to hug and greet her to, and I wanted to talk to you, but it was so crowded! Then you ignored me and flirted with her," I said wiping my tears.
"Are you dating Ricky, or not?" He cut me off.
"No, Connor, I'm not dating Ricky," I affirmed.
"Then what is this? Can you explain all this?" He asked showing me the link to the fan site. I inhaled a little then explained.
"This is nothing, Connor. Absolutely... Nothing. He was just trying to make me feel better, okay?" I said.
"Did this make you feel better? HOW?"
"Yes... It did! He wanted to make me feel like I was wanted, like I had a reason to keep moving forward and have a little faith and hope for love, okay? He made me feel the complete opposite of what you were making me feel, these past weeks. But there is absolutely NOTHING going on, do you understand? Noth-" I was cut off by Ricky, rushing through the door.
"Beth, what's wrong? Why are you crying, again? Oh..." He said when he realized Connor was there. "Connor... Eh - what are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" Replied Connor angrily.
"I came here to talk to Bethany... About something important... To us..." He hesitated. It was visible that he didn't know whether to play along with our act or tell the truth.
"And you said I was the one breaking your heart," told me Connor with a lump in his throat. I knew he was heartbroken... As heartbroken as I am, at that point, because he got red and his eyes got watery, and after he said that, he just got up and left, bumping into Ricky really hardly.
After he stepped out the door of my room, I just burst out in tears, so Ricky ran to my bed - where I was sitting - and hugged me from my side.

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