Chapter 18

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I didn't think I would make it; I started stressing to the thought that I might never see the love of my life again. But I couldn't let that happen, and I was willing to run if it meant I would see him, even for one last time. So when I got closer to the airport, and got to a road with sidewalks, I put the bike by a bench, and ran. I couldn't use the motorcycle on the sidewalk though, because I wasn't looking forward to getting a ticket. I thanked God the airport was really close by now, because I wasn't looking forward to running that much. I couldn't breathe when I arrived, because it was 10:59AM. I wanted to give up. He probably already boarded the plane by now... He's gone, I thought. But I still wanted to go check if he had changed his mind... And as I had thought, he hadn't. I looked at the plane boarding time board, and the only plane to Minnesota was delayed and leaving at 11:10AM. I had a little bit of faith in myself, and still wanted to try and stop him, if he didn't get on the plane yet.
I went to the only empty desk I could find, and begged the lady to give me the cheapest ticket to anywhere.
"Please, I need the cheapest ticket," I said.
"To where?" She asked me.
"Anywhere," I answered quickly.
"Excuse me?" She said confused.
"It's a really long story... Just know that I need to stop someone from boarding a plane in less than ten minutes, please!" I explained.
"Let me guess, the love of your life is leaving and you want to stop him because he isn't picking up the phone, right?" She told me.
"How did you know that?"
"Well, I always wished someone would do that for me... Anyways, I need your pa-" she stated.
"Here," I said giving her my documents, files, passport and credit card. I had them in my car for emergencies.
"Thank you?" She said. She didn't take the credit card, but gave me a ticket. I looked at her confused and she insisted. "No, please; it's on me. People who love each other that much should be together," she smiled.
"Thank you... Really," I thanked. I grabbed the ticket and all my stuff and ran. There was a huge line to get through the security guards and machines that check your luggage and bags. I panicked and tried to explain to a security guard what I was going through, but she wouldn't let me through. Then, a lady came up to me and said she was my mom's friend, Linda. I knew Linda; she was one of my mother's best friends, and lucky me, she was a cop at the airport, responsible for the travelers' safety.
"Come with me, I'll help you avoid these," she said. I went with her, and she led me across all time wasting machines, but as a committed officer, she checked for bombs and weapons, because she would've gotten fired if she didn't.
I looked at the time when I was finally in the duty free center of the airport, and it was 11:08.
"No!" I panicked. I rushed to the nearest plane board and checked for Connor's plane's terminal. "Where is it, where is it?!" I said to myself. I was shaking; scared that I wouldn't get there on time... Scared that I might lose him forever. "There it is; terminal E..." I said when I found it, at last. And as fast as possible, I ran to the terminal. I had to go up two escalators, and got lost three times. 11:09.40, read my watch when I finally saw the terminal's letter in bold. I spotted very few people boarding the plane when I arrived, but Connor wasn't one of them.
"No, no, no, no, no!" I said stressed. I made my way through the seats to the two ladies by the gate.
"Um - sorry, sweetie - you can't go in there without a boarding pass," said one of them.
"No, no, no, you don't get it; I NEED to go in there! My best- my boyfriend is on that plane and I need to stop him from leaving," I mumbled.
"I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do," answered the same woman.
"Yeah, it's against the law... Plus the plane just got released from the way and it's about to leave the ground, see?" She said pointing at the glass window with the airplane's view. It was really weird, since two minutes ago, the last two people were still boarding...
"NO!" I yelled rushing to the window and tapping the glass quickly with my nails. "Please," I whispered. "They still haven't left the ground! Can you - in any way - convince the pilot to stay for a couple of minutes? Like, create a fake emergency? Please!" I begged turning towards them. They both shook their heads. "No?" I asked under my breath. They raised their eyebrows and continued shaking their heads. "No," I nodded to myself, trying to accept the fact that he was gone.
I pulled my hair back, sat on one of the benches, stuffed my head between my arms and knees, and cried. That part of the airport was completely empty; barely three people were getting some coffee at the tiny coffee shop near by. The sound of my sniffing echoed in the terminal. After minutes of crying, I got up and went to the little coffee stand.
"Regular, please," I asked the waiter, whipping my tears off my cheeks and pulling my shorts down. The waiter handed me my drink and I payed him. My sight was blurry so I rubbed my eyes and spotted a guy by the restroom door, but ignores him.

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