Chapter 11

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"Mom, dad... Hi," I said closing the door and leaning on it. They looked a little mad; they were standing there, frowning and crossing their arms. "Why the mad faces?" I asked trying to be a little humble.
"You're early," said my mom.
"Um... Yeah, it felt awkward hugging and chatting with everybody when I smell like a rat that just woke up from the dead in a haunted hospital, and also my breath stinks and I realized people were wincing with disgust when I laughed or said 'Hi', so..." I told them. "Um... Excuse me," I said and walked passed them, heading upstairs.
"Why is your face red, Bethany?" Asked my dad in a strict and serious voice.
"They were tears of joy... I really appreciate my friends' support; they all had speeches prepared and they read them and it was really cute. And my viewers kept tweeting me the sweetest thing ever and it got a little emotional," I smiled. I was lying; yeah, my viewers and friends were supporting me a lot and it meant the world to me, but the real reason I was crying is because the girls spoke to Connor... About hurting me. I had no idea what they had told him, which made me stress out, because that way, I couldn't explain anything to him when I apologized to him.
"Fine," he said and I could finally escape to my bathroom. I closed the door of my bathroom and exhaled, then I untied my hair from my messy pony tail and played with it and massaged my head for a couple of minutes, then I prepared a hot tub and threw my lush bath bomb in it, undressed myself and dived in. The water was super relaxing, and the jazzy background music that I had started was beautiful. I'm not going to lie, I almost fell asleep in the shower. I needed that bath more than anything after what had happened... Also Connor's love and forgiveness...
It's weird; I got depressed and ran away because of Connor, but now I want to apologize because my friends were defending me against him... I love him too much to hurt him, even though he hurt me a lot...
After my bath, I got a text from Connor;
"I thought you were different, Bethany... Why would you do that? I thought you forgave me. I told you, I wasn't in the best mood and what you had told me about our relationship really crushed me that night when you stayed over. I was supposed to tell you this face to face, but when I went to the girls' house they said you'd left early. I didn't go to the hospital for a reason, and it is way more important than this... I'll tell you the next time I see you, ASAP please," read the message.
"I wanted to apologize, Con; I swear I had no idea they told you anything until today when Jenn mentioned. I left because I was angry at Roxy, Ava and Alexi, and I promise, I didn't tell them anything about you; Ava just mentioned you when Roxy and Alexi snuck in to visit me at the hospital and asked me why I had ran away! I'm so sorry, Connor," I typed. I sent the message, and a couple of seconds later it marked as read, but he didn't reply.
"Okay..." I nodded to myself and threw the phone on my bed. I put on my home clothes and ran downstairs to get something to eat. My parents were watching TV and whispering to each other; I tried to eavesdrop but their voices were too low, and they later caught me after I opened the fridge door.
"Beth... How long have you been standing there?" Panicked my mom.
"Not long," I assured opening a water bottle.
"Okay..." She said exhaling.
"Why? Is there something wrong?" I asked her confused.
"No, honey, no... Nothing's wrong... Everything's fine," smiled my dad.
"Gosh; I miss Winnie," I whined.
Winnie was at a training/obedience school, so I couldn't see her, but I had really missed my little puppy...
"She's coming home next week," chuckled my dad. I nodded, took a giant cookie my mom had made, and raced up to my room, and found my phone lit on the bed; someone had sent me a message.
I plopped on my bed, grabbed my phone and opened the text... It was from Connor.
"I'm sorry too... Forget it, Bethany," it said. The chat page said typing..., but then he stopped and never sent anything.
"Let's start things over, okay? I hate this; I don't want anything to change between us, because our friendship means the world to me... Friends... Right?" I typed.
"Sure," he sent. I finished my cookie, and brushed my teeth, then head to bed. I couldn't sleep easily, that night; who would, after coming back from the hospital after an unpleasant weekend lost in the woods? Also, thinking about Connor; he never left my mind. I loved him more than anyone would ever love a person and he meant the world to me, and knowing that our friendship was ending was burning me.

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