Chapter 10

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I nodded and made my way to the side of the bed where my parents had prepared my outfit; really casual and easy to put on: a plaid flannel and some grey leggings with my Moccasins.
When we left the room, my parents went to the desk in the hallway and checked me out, and told me to way for them in the hospital entrance. So I ran downstairs to the lobby, and found my best friends sitting in there, holding a huge poster saying 'WE MISSED YOU BETHANY!' and a bunch of notes from each one of them. I stood there, surprised, and happier than ever. They hadn't realized I was there until I gasped.
"Oh my gosh," I whispered and chuckled to myself.
"BETHANY!" They all yelled happily as they ran towards me. I felt like I was a nerd paralyzed in a middle of a football field, when the win is counting on him, but I was so happy to see them I couldn't move. They all welcomed me with heartwarming kisses and hugs.
I searched to see if Connor was with them, but he wasn't. But that didn't matter - at that moment - because at least now I knew how much my friends love and care about me, and it made me so happy.
I glanced outside the hospital glass walls and saw dozens of girls running towards the building. They all had cameras and posters and stuffed animals, and a huge 'WE LOVE YOU BETHERS!' sign told me they were my Motavators. It made me feel so wanted and it was amazing how extremely happy I was at that moment!
My parents came, a few minutes later, and said it was time to go home.
"No," I begged. "Please, mom! Let me just spend a few hours with my friends first, please? I'll be home by six o'clock, okay? Before dinner, I promise."
"Fine... If you have a ride," she said.
"I-I'll take her home, Mrs. Mota," smiled Ricky from behind me.
"Okay... Have fun," she winked at me. We took off before my parents did and arrived to Andrea, Lauren, Arden and Jenn's house in twenty short minutes. We all sang to several songs that were playing on the radio, although I have no idea what they were doing in the other two cars; we went in three cars since we couldn't fit in one.
When we got there, I kept on searching, but no sign of Connor.
"Connor's not here," confirmed Jack pouring some juice in his glass. I looked at him as if I had no clue what he was talking about.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"You're looking for Connor," he winked.
"Actually, no. I wasn't even thinking about him until you mentioned his name," I lied.
"Beth, I know you; you were looking for him," he insisted.
"No, I wasn't!" I chuckled.
"Yeah, sure," he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. Jenn jumped on his back and JC hugged me from behind.
"JENNIFER!" Said Jack scared. She kissed his cheek and apologized, then they both kissed and it was so cute. JC and I chuckled.
"Hi, Beth," he said.
"Hi, Justin," I answered.
"Justin? Really? You are honestly calling me Justin? Who the hell is Justin? My name is JC," he chuckled.
"Sorry, JC," I laughed.
"That's better," he said. He slapped Jack's shoulder and they stopped kissing, then JC winked at them and ran away. Jenn hugged me after Jack chased JC.
"Why would you ever think about leaving? Connor's not worth it!" She said, still hugging me.
"I was sad, and I needed some space," I explained.
"It's okay; we taught him a lesson anyway," she said releasing me.
"We talked to him about it... Well technically, Ava, Alexi and Roxy did but it's the same thing," she answered.
"Wait a minute, they talked to him, about me?" I asked confused.
"Yep," she said, popping the P.
"Why would they do that?"
"Because we care about you," she smiled.
"But I-" I hesitated. "I need to leave... I-I'm sorry... I need to leave."
I ran out and Ricky spotted me so he followed me to the entrance of the building.
"I'm your ride, remember?" He said. I nodded. "I'm sorry, okay, about what they told Connor; I had no idea they were telling him until after they did it, I swear." I teared up a little. Connor must be thinking I was the one who asked the girls to talk to him, I thought to myself. "Beth, don't cry! Connor loves you, I don't think anything betwe-"
"Are you kidding? He must be thinking: 'Wow, Bethany is so pathetic to send out her friends to talk to me'!" I said.
"He isn't thinking that!" Told me Ricky.
"Forget it," I said shaking my head. He drove me home and we were there in a couple of minutes. When se got there, Ricky opened the door for me and we walked together to the front porch. My cheeks were still wet and my eyes were a little red. He lifted my chin up with his fingers and looked at me, though I couldn't make eye contact with him.
"Beth, I hate to see you like this; Connor has been a jerk lately, and it was a good idea when Ava, Alexi and Roxy talked to him. He deserves to know how much he's hurting you," he told me. I looked up and saw his sweet, gentle eyes staring at me.
"I forgave him, Ricky," I stated.
"But still, he hurt you; you almost died because of him when you wanted nothing but for him to be happy, and it's not fair!" He said. I nodded and wiped my runny nose. We hugged for a couple of seconds before I went inside. I love Ricky's hugs; they're very loving and gentle and it makes me happy when we hug, but he was nothing more than a brother to me. I kissed his cheek and I felt his cheeks get red as he blushed.
"Bye," I told him raising my hand a little and opening the door. He smiled at me and did the same, then the next thing I know, I'm face to face with my parents.

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