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  "AAAH!" Eve screamed at the horrible realization that she would have to spend more time with her brother. She had just gotten a letter that she would be transferred to the classes on the 1st floor. It had taken her forever to plead for a transfer! Now she has to go back to the place she tried to escape from! What if she slipped? She had little outburst when she was being harassed, but what if the bullying got worse? What if they went back to throwing pennies at her again?

     Baby, baby! Eve's a little crying baby! The horrible teasings came back to her mind, when she had taken off her cape hurt the ones who had hurt her. That's why she had to transfer to the underground classrooms. The unforgivable memories. She wasn't afraid of the pennies themselves... Just what they were made from. Copper has a dangerous chemical in it, that burns her skin. Eve musn't tell anyone or else...

      They'll find out.


      Meanwhile, Dib was exited. He was so glad that he can get the chance to spend more time with his sister. Last night after Bloaty's Dib had hacked into the skool's system and made an immediate transfer for Eve.

    "This will get her to snap out of it!" Dib talked to himself.

    Meanwhile, meanwhile at Zim's house that day,

Zim was finishing up the final touch-ups on GIR to prepare for his trip. He was going into the woods after skool, so he was programming GIR'S new guidance system box to find his way back home in case they got lost. 

      All of a sudden the little "advanced" robot's eyes lit up to a bright blue,"MY MASTER!" GIR was happy to back to normal "I missded yous so much!" he started to cry, "I MISSEDED YOUS SOOOOO MUCH!" GIR gave Zim a hug.

      "Get off of Zim!" He shoved GIR back onto the table. "Now that your finally done, I have to go to skool!" Zim didn't want to miss how to skin a moose.


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