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Zim was starting to get inpatient. He had waited hours.

Maybe... She changed her mind! Maybe she was scared of Zim... He thought.

All of a sudden there was BEAUTIFUL harmony bursting out of the blue. It made the wind howl along with the song,

Come little children,
I'll take thee away...
Through all the pain...
And the sorrows...

It filled Zim's ears and gave him that warm feeling again. It got louder and louder as Eve came closer to Zim.


She stopped singing, "Yeah it's me... Look a little different?" She twirled in a circle showing off her tail.

Zim was so memorized by her voice and beauty that he just stood there staring, forgetting how to even speak.

"Zim, you ok?" Eve giggled and placed a hand on Zim's face. His forehead began to sweat and he turned deep red. "Woah, do you change color?"

"Eve! There's something I have to tell you it's about this feeling! I've never felt it before... But when I'm around you," Zim clutched his shirt, "I feel something warm inside..."

She gasped, Zim did feel the same!! "Hey Zim, wanna learn more about human affection?"


Eve kissed him right in the lips. Zim was now boiling, but in a good way that he liked. His pupils grew wide, he wanted more of this! What was it called again? Zim did a bit of research on Earth love culture. But never understood how it worked, or felt.

Squeak Squeak! A raccoon came and scared the hell out of Zim.

"AHH!" He screamed in terror, falling flat on the ground. He tried to contain his fear in front of Eve but he was too scared at the small beast.

"Zim! It's ok! It's ok," Eve picked up the raccoon and started "talking" to it. She understood what it was saying! "Shh I know he scared you, but he's more afraid of you than you are of him!" Eve placed the raccoon on the ground near Zim.

He was starting to choke up, but wanted to stay brave for Eve.

"Shh, don't be afraid, let him choose you." Eve gently held Zim's hand for comfort as the raccoon slowly crawled up to him and nuzzled his boot.

"Hehe... I-it likes m-me..." Zim was still shaken up. He thought about studying this creature in his labs.

"Ok, you can go home now little one!" Eve was so gentle to the raccoon. It gave a last squeak then scampered off into a tree.

Zim smiled. He acted brave in front of Eve! (At least in his mind) And Eve was glad he tried to befriend the creature for her!

Zim looked down and saw that their hands still touched, but he didn't dare let go... He didn't want to!

Eve saw too, and smiled. Their eyes met, and they both saw each other grin with delight.

Zim was still in his human disguise. As Eve's other hand crept up his cheek, she ever so gently slipped of his wig.

Zim barely noticed, he was so fixed in her deep red eyes. He let her touch his face. And didn't mind when she took of his wig and contacts.

Zim looked away so she didn't see his antenna or eyes. Not because he didn't want to get caught, but because he didn't want Eve to be afraid of him.

But Eve wanted to look more into his eyes and scooted to where he looked the other direction. "It's alright!" She broke the silence, "I like you better without your disguise."

Did she say, 'Like me'? Zim thought to himself delightfully. He wanted to learn first hand about this human affection. And wanted Eve too show him! "E-eve?"

Eve saw Zim smile at that last thing she said, "Y-yes?" What was he going to ask?

"Will you... Teach me? More about this stuff?"

Eve giggled with pleasure! "Yes! We'll start training immediately!" She laughed joyfully. She was so happy, she kissed Zim once more!

"O-ok! W-what do you c-call this training?" Zim was mesmerized at the kiss.

"Love!" She spoke with an elegant tone. she seemed to be gleeful at the thought, and so was Zim!

He only heard of this once before... With the... Tak invasion!
"Is it... Pain based?!"

"What? Of course not silly! Love is... Amazing!" She grined from ear to ear at the thought.


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