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   Zim watched Eve intensely. She was beautiful! And definitely not human! Zim was kind of glad she knew his secret, "We are both outcasts" Eve's words really got Zim thinking...

      We can be alone together... He thought.


      He listened as Eve splashed the water, "I hate humans!"

      Hate humans? Zim thought, and smiled.

     Eve started to get up, wings sprouted out of her back and flapped, dripping what looked like goo. Her feet started to leave the ground, "WAIT! DO NOT LEAVE ZIM!" Zim ran towards her, tripping on a root and falling in the mud. It slightly gave him pins and needles from the water inside.

     "Oh!" Eve fell as well, right on top of him. "Oof," she brushed away her hair and looked down at Zim's embarrassed face. "Zim! You... Followed me?"

   "Uh! N-not really. I ran in the woods too!"

   "What... We're you doing?" Eve got confused, she wasn't sure were this was heading.

    "I-I; wanted to find you..." Zim was blushing hard.


    "You... Did?" Eve tryed to contain her excitement. Did he feel the same as she did?

     "Yes, I... Wanted to know more about you..." Zim didn't know what to say but how he felt. Even though he didn't exactly know what he felt!

      "Like, 'get to know me' get to know me? Or answer a few random questions get to know me?" So many questions went through her head everything was happening so fast!

     Zim had no idea what she ment by that but went along with it, "Eve... I-"



    "Oh no! Dib! You gotta hide!" Eve pushed Zim away, cutting off his question and hid him behind a bush.



     "I'm sorry! Shh!" Eve grabbed her coat from the tree and placed it over her head and back. Hair slowly turing back to a dirty-rusty look, eyes going brown...


       "EVE! Where are you?"

       "Right here!" Eve popped from her crouching position and gave a fake smile.

       Wings... Everything. Gone. She was back to her human self.


        Zim sat frustrated! When will he get a chance to talk to her? To get answers? To ask her about this feeling!


      "Eve, you need to come home. Dad's worried about you!" Dib crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

       She rolled eyes, "PHT! As if that man you call a father actually cares for us!"


        "You know he has to work! C'Mon, you have to come home!" Dib looked around, "And I told you not to come here! It gives me the creeps!"

      Eve sighed, there was no use, she would have to go with him.

     Zim Sat inpatient waiting for Dib to leave.

    "Thank you! Now let's go!"

     No! Don't bring her with you!

    Eve walked with Dib, but not before looking behind her shoulder to see Zim's sad face behind peeking from behind the bush. She mouthed, "tonight" and pointed to her secret tree.

    Zim got excited and quickly nodded. He would have the whole night to talk to Eve! He clutched his shirt feeling something warm inside.

  Then a horrible feeling made the warmness disappear, She's friends with the DIB-STINK!! I must tell her he's an enemy before it's too late!

    Zim sat back down near a tree and waited for Eve to come.







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