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    Eve walked into Mrs. Bitter's class after everyone else. She was about 15 minutes late, too worried about skool she felt sick. But she soon realized that it was a mistake, all eyes were on her...

    Especially one green kid's, who just pointed in shock, face in a gawk. He looked so tense he might explode.

     Trying to find some courage, Eve walked to the front of the classroom, hood halfway down her head, and introduced herself, "Hi, my name's Rosemary, but please, call me Eve." She gave a weak smile.

     "Hello Eve!" Dib gave a wink. But the rest of the class murmured to each other.

      "Isn't that the one who put a kid in the hospital?"

      " I think it is!"

      "Are you sure? I thought she be taller."

      "Yeah, she doesn't look like anyone who could do something like that!"

       "Shh! She might hear you! You don't want a broken spine!" All the kids whispered to each other. Eve stiffened, and walked to her seat next to the window a few seats behind Dib. Pulling her hood over her face, Eve began to cry very silently.

    Zim couldn't believe it! That was the girl! And she went to his school! What will he do? Did she even remember him? Then a horrible feeling came over Zim.... She saw him, without his  disguise!  What would he do?

   " I'll confront her! I'll brainwash her! I'll melt her face off or something!

    "But no matter what I do... She will not leak Zim's secret!" Zim stood up on his desk. Students turned their heads toward Zim, calling him crazy. But Zim didn't care and sat back down going on how normal he was.


  Eve was terrified. Maybe she can leave, ask to use the restroom and not come back until the next day.

     Look at yourself! If you keep running you'll never make it through life! Suck it up and act human!
       Eve wiped the tears from her cheeks and sat up straight and did a very strange thing that baffled her brother.... She took off the hood from her head, showing her now short golden hair. Her mahogany eyes sparkled, as she blinked her long dark lashes dried off her eyes. Eve felt happy she was trying to feel comfortable in a new environment. Who cares what the others thought? For now, she was under control.


   And that's how it was going to stay


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