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Zim was plotting his evil plan to find out more about the new girl. He decided he would confront her during recess, but Zim will soon realized that his plans will get a little off track...

  "I have shown you the horrors of war, the devastation of famine, pictures of my birth! But I don't think you fully comprehend what awaits you in adult life! So today, we're playing blachenball! It's fun!" The P.E teacher strapped Dib and Zim into the blachenball suits, filled with maybe hundreds of hard rubber balls!

     Dib gave Zim a cold stare as dropplets of sweat came down from Zim's face.

     "Ready? BEGIN!"


      "MWAHAHAHA! AH HAHA!" Dib gave an evil laugh and pulled the trigger, sending dogeballs flying towards Zim's face. Zim was too shocked to move on time, and a ball hit him right in the eye. As Zim hit the ground, his contact fell beside him, showing his large alien magenta eyes. "Alien! I WAS RIGHT!" Dib ran over and pointed at the eye laying on the floor. Kids gasped in horror realizing that Dib wasn't crazy at all! "SEE?! ZIM IS AN ALIIIEEEEN!"




  Eve rushed over and spread her arms apart, protecting Zim, her foot laying on the contact trying to hide it from view, "This is no alien! He just has pink eye! Ricky has it pretty bad!" Eve pointed to Ricky, a kid with an eye swollen and distorted. She peeked behing her shoulders and winked at Zim, who was scared and confused.

    "Eve get away from him! That's the alien! The alieeeeen!" Dib yelled frustrated that his sister wasn't listening to him. But Eve ignored her brother and picked up Zim by the hand, a single drop of nervous sweat slipped from Zim's forehead, as she gripped his hand.

   "I'm taking you to the nurse!" Eve shoved Zim out of the courtyard and into the skool building.

    Zim regained reality that he was now alone with this girl who has now saved him twice! "What is this? Zim demands that you tell me what's going on! And I know you were the one who-"

    Eve put a finger to Zim's lips and got real close, her breath cool on his face. Zim started to turn red and sweat. Eve shyly winked, "Shh, I know what your are-"  Zim shoved her hand away and put up a fist and was going to yell he was human, but Eve stopped him before he could, "and I'm not going to tell anyone!" Eve had a sly smile on her face as she soon remembered he really was an alien! The one she had saved in the woods! But the reason she was smiling was because...

     "Don't worry, I'm not entirely human myself!"

     Zim gasped, this was the best news! Now he won't have to worry about his secret being leaked! Zim was going to say something but Eve cut him off quick, and slipped him his contact that she quietly grabbed while no one was looking, " I may not know exactly who your are Zim, but you and I are not that much different. Both outcasts of society, having to live in fear of humans..."

      Zim was now completely confused! Even if this girl wasn't human, she lives among them! So shouldn't she be classified as human to them? And she was afraid of humans! She might even hate them as much as Zim! He heard a thud somewhere inside him and his body grew warm. He didn't know this feeling....

      "I have to go, but you be more careful!" Eve placed a hand on Zim's cheek just like she had in the forest. Now Zim was extremely embarrassed!!  He didn't know what to do! So he just stood still as Eve touched her lips against his other cheek...

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