Chapter 9.

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Obi-Wan's POV


I walked down the landing ramp, resettling my tattered cloak over my shoulders, and breathed in the clean, fresh air of Mandalore. My brown boots offered the familiar click of the grey pavement, and I loved to see the little trees standing like a guard of honour that led to the front doors of Satine's palace. The greenery was a welcome break from the repetitive sand we had been surrounded by, and the trim shapes that were cut into the shrubs reflected Satine's own tastes. She liked things to be prim and proper, straight and orderly. I hoped things would stay that way.

Heading across the courtyard, I acknowledged some citizens who were going about their daily business, then walked up the polished stairs. Upon approaching the front doors, a pair of guards in their extravagant attire of blue and green armour stopped me from entering, lowering their staffs at me in warning. 

I dipped my head to them. "It's General Kenobi. I wonder if I might speak to your Duchess."

They exchanged glances, then stepped back and waved me through the enormous doors. On the other side, I had to force myself not to get carried away with the beautiful halls and crystal-clear windows that lined them, instead focusing on another guard who was ushering me through to the main room. I still wasn't sure whether it truly deserved the title "throne room," but in my mind, Satine was a queen. I thought it fitting for her to sit on a throne.

The whole place spoke of precision and cleanliness, the variety of deep purples, navy blues, and dark greens always catching my eye. Within minutes, we had entered the throne room, and my heart sped up a little, despite my attempts to remain professional. There she sat, her pale blonde hair loose about her delicate face, dressed in a layered purple gown. Her forehead was adorned with a favourite piece of golden jewellery, one that had three, tiny red gems set in it, and around her wrists, clasping tight her rose-pink sleeves, were a pair of matching golden bracelets. She was beautiful – as always.

Her blue eyes swept over me coolly, though whether imagined or not, I thought there was a hint of delight behind them. "General Kenobi," she greeted me courteously, "what a pleasure to see you."

I bowed low. "The pleasure is all mine, Duchess."

"To what can I attribute the surprise of your visit?" she asked, her voice crisp as always, but her face was soft.

I opened my mouth, then paused, my eye darting to the guards who stood nearby before flicking to the large windows through which poured sunlight. "Perhaps we might speak ...."

She nodded before I had finished my sentence and stood up from her throne, holding out her hand expectantly. I stepped lightly up the stairs, taking her hand and leading her down, staunchly ignoring the warm buzz that I felt from the gentle touch of her fingers. She slid her arm under mine, gracefully walking out through a smaller door on the left.

We headed through a tidy hall, any noise from our boots muffled by the plush carpet underfoot, and, as we went, I was aware of a hidden presence stalking us. Listening carefully, I figured with relief that it was just Ahsoka keeping pace with us and wondered where Anakin was. 

But then Satine was stopping at a decorated, metal door and tapping the panel beside it. It hissed open, so she entered with me. I dilly-dallied as I went in, making a point of examining the flower display on the wall next to the door, commenting absently to Satine of its beauty, then pressing the button to close the door. My loitering had given Ahsoka enough time to sneak in unnoticed.

Inside the room was a wide, hexagon-shaped table with a dozen straight-backed chairs around it, and after the flip of a switch, lights flickered into life, their clean whiteness aiding the bright, afternoon sun that streamed in through windows large enough to act as a wall. A couple of servants stood stiffly against the wall opposite the windows, their gloved hands tucked behind their backs as they awaited requests or orders.

I pulled a chair out for Satine, then sat in the one next to her, folding my arms comfortably across my chest.

"Before we begin," Satine said politely, "can I offer you any refreshments?"

"Thank you, but no. We've just eaten," I responded calmly, feeling my heart skip a beat. "We've just eaten." I said "we!" I couldn't afford to blow our cover so quickly, but I was hugely relieved when Satine didn't comment, either out of ignorance or courtesy. My instincts told me it was the latter.

"Very good," she said politely, clasping her hands delicately as those blue eyes fixed on me. "Why have you come, Obi-Wan?"

I didn't let my pleasure show at her familiarity in names. "I believe Mandalore is being targeted."

Her face suddenly darkened, and I had her full attention. "By whom?"

"Asajj Ventress. Whether your planet is the exact target is unclear to me, but I have reason to suspect that she has come here. I just hope I'm not too late —" I was cut short by someone bursting into the room, a panicked look on his ashen face.

"Mi'lady, mi'lady, come quick!" he gasped breathlessly, frantically waving for her to follow him.

She didn't need telling twice, leaping from her seat and hastening after him. I now saw why she wore ankle-high boots, rather than heels.

I raced after her, and I sensed Ahsoka's presence disappearing as she sprinted ahead of us. "Satine, you shouldn't go!" I stopped her, grabbing her arm and staring deep into those sweet, serious eyes. "If there is danger, you should not be the one to investigate."

She yanked her arm out of my hand, eyes flashing. "These are my people! It is my duty!"

"It's your duty to stay alive!" I countered. "Your people need you – alive."

The fire simmered in her eyes, and she took the briefest of moments to place her hand on my cheek. "And I trust you with my life. You will look after me, won't you, Obi?"

"As long as I possibly can, my dear," I breathed, then she linked her hand in mine, and we were speeding down the hallway once again.

The servant was waiting anxiously for us on the front steps of the palace, fidgeting from side to side, appearing for all the world like a puppy who had lost its way. My heart leapt into my mouth when I saw the devastation outside. Where there had once been spotless pavement, carved with beautiful mosaics, and soldier-trees standing tall, was a smoking pile of exploded rubble. Cracked stone pieces littered the ground, and small fires burned angrily in various places. But it was who I saw that really made my heart stop. 

Anakin was fighting Asajj.


I was half-tempted to keep going with this chapter, but I feel like it might be easier if we switch back to Ani. :) I'm a bit sad coz it means we don't get quite as much Obitine fluff, but there'll probably be another opportunity.

Aren't they sooo cute, though? XD I love the couple, and I love how they bicker! They're both very stubborn and very sweet at the same time.

And I know, I amuse myself with my painful timing. Obi-Wan's just saying he hopes he's not too late ... and boom! Soz Obi. You tried.

Btw, we'll be switching back to Anakin next chapter. :)

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