Chapter 15.

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Obi-Wan's POV


I paced the halls of the Jedi Temple, my brown boots stepping out the path I trod. Since running into Ahsoka and then speaking with Anakin, I had seen neither of the two youngsters, and I was getting concerned. Ahsoka, I knew, would be upset and likely angry for a while, but she would cool down and would try to make amends. Anakin seemed to have more issues than showed on the surface, and I was worried. He wasn't talking to me, but he appeared almost to be afraid of me. He seemed convinced that I was disappointed in him and was filtering any of my words or actions through that presupposition. When he became that unhappy, there was no knowing where he might go, either to seek solace or to find punishment for the wrong he believed had done.

I paused a moment, listening for his Force signature again, but I was met by nothing more than the faintest murmur. At least he was still on the planet. Then I focused on Ahsoka's signature and found it glowing in a room nearby. I stood undecided as to whether I should go and see her or not, but the Force hummed quietly around her, so I figured she wasn't still worked up.

I passed through one hall, running my eye down the doors that I walked by until I located the one behind which Ahsoka's presence burned the brightest. Of course, I should have known. She was in Luminara and Barriss' room.

Knocking softly, I waited for the duet of sweet voices inviting me to enter before I pressed the button to open the door. An orange-and-white and a green-and-black face peered curiously at me as I leant against the doorframe, smiling at the two girls who both sat cross-legged on Barriss' bed.

"Hello, Master Kenobi," Barriss greeted me politely, her soft voice respectful as always. "How may we help you?"

"I was wondering if I might speak with Ahsoka," I responded. "But if she's busy, it can wait."

The Togruta exchanged glances with her friend before shrugging. "No, I'm not that busy, Master. I-I was just talking to Barriss about my discussion with Anakin." In the artificial lighting, I noticed tear stains on her cheeks.

"I see. My conversation centred around the same topic, actually."

"You may enter, if you like, Master Kenobi," Barriss welcomed me, her blue eyes half-slits as she smiled shyly. "Master Unduli won't mind if you sit on her bed." She indicated to Luminara's bed, which stood opposite hers.

I went into the room but, noticing the perfect covers and immaculate pillow, took a seat on a little white chair at the end of Barriss' bed. "Thank you, but I wouldn't want to intrude."

Barriss nodded then started to get up and leave, but Ahsoka stopped her. "It's okay, you can stay, if Master Kenobi doesn't mind." She glanced at me, so I shook my head. Barriss smiled again, then slid herself back on her bed so that she was sitting against the wall and grabbed her datapad, busying herself with it.

Ahsoka shuffled around so that she was facing me, dropping her hands into her lap. "So, what did you want to talk about, Master?"

"Have you seen Anakin since you had your ... discussion with him?" I asked cautiously, my arms folded comfortably across my chest. I didn't want her to worry, so I tried to appear relaxed.

She looked away, tears filling her eyes. "No, I haven't. I went to put Kato back at the pet shelter, then came and talked to Barriss."

"Kato is the kitten I saw you holding?" I inquired gently.

She nodded. "She managed to get into our room this morning, and Anakin told me we couldn't keep her. I gave her to the shelter, but she somehow found her way back into our room tonight." She sniffed, hugging her arms to herself. "I-I thought she wanted to stay, so I asked Anakin again if we could keep her. But he said no. We were both kind of angry, and he yelled at me, and I yelled at him, and-and now I feel awful. I told him he didn't care," she finished in a small voice, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"I understand, Little One." I gave her a small smile. "It's always important to control our tempers, but sometimes words slip out that we never intended to say. That's where it helps to talk to those we have argued with."

"Anakin's probably really hurt," she said miserably, wiping her face with her arm. "I know he cares, but I just told him he didn't. I didn't mean it, really."

"I know you didn't. Perhaps you need to tell Anakin the same."

"I don't know where he is," she sighed, her shoulders slumping. Then she brightened up a touch. "Maybe I can talk to him when we go to bed." She frowned, glancing at Barriss. "What is the time?"

The Mirialan looked up at Ahsoka, then checked the time displayed on her datapad's screen. "It's almost 2200 standard hours."

Ahsoka cocked a white eye-marking. "It's that late? I'd better be heading off to bed, then."

Barriss smiled and nodded. "Very good. I hope you sleep well, Ahsoka, and I hope you sort out your troubles to your satisfaction."

"Thanks, Barriss," the Togruta said gratefully, leaning across and giving her friend a quick hug. "Goodnight." She hopped off Barriss' bed and headed out of her room, so I followed behind her.

Pausing at the door, I wished the Mirialan padawan a good night, then closed the door. We walked down the hall in silence until Ahsoka broke it quietly.

"Do you think Anakin is angry with me?" Her voice was small, almost swallowed up by the enormous hallway.

"I'm sure he isn't," I responded gently, casting her an understanding glance. "He's probably feeling just as awful for yelling at you."

"It's my fault, though." Her eyes filled with tears again as she looked at me sadly. "I shouldn't have asked a second time to keep Kato. I knew we couldn't keep her, but I asked anyway. Then he got angry, and I was angry, too. It ... it felt like he wasn't listening to me."

We stopped outside her bedroom door, and I placed my hand on her shoulder. "It hurts when we feel neglected, but if we compare this time to Anakin's normal conduct, what do we find?"

She thought for a moment. "He's usually pretty good at listening to me."

"When doesn't he listen?" I prompted.

She paused again, processing my question. "He doesn't listen when he's got something on his mind."

"And I think you'll find there's your answer. Anakin is dealing with something, and that's causing him to be distracted and unlike himself. I would advise you to be cautious if you bring up your previous discussion with him. It's likely to remind him of whatever pain he's going through, and he may react out of that. Just remember, Ahsoka, he may not always be talking to you," I counselled her kindly.

As she turned over my statement in her mind, she brightened up significantly. "Yeah, you're right. So, don't take it personally," she said with a wink.

I smiled and nodded. "Exactly. Goodnight, Ahsoka. Sleep well."

"Thanks, Master Kenobi, and you, too." She gave me a sweet smile, then went into her room and shut the door behind her.

I remained outside her room for a few minutes, arms folded across my chest, stroking my beard. Then I pulled myself back into the real world and decided what to do. Should I try and follow Anakin? Or do I leave it until the morning? Considering I had very little idea where my friend was, I decided, reluctantly almost, to face my problems in the morning. Anakin probably wanted to be left alone, anyway. But there was that niggling doubt that questioned whether that was really the best thing for him. I knew he was struggling with something, though he didn't want to open up about it. That concerned me, but I would never wish to force myself on him. He would talk about it when he was ready. I hoped he would.


It's nice to have some down time after our emotion- and action-packed chapters, isn't it? Also, I'm excited to have introduced Barriss into my story! It was good saying hi to her, and I had fun writing her. This is my first crack at writing her, so I hope I did okay! :D

And, once again, don't we love Obi-Wan? He's so good at holding the team together. I wanted to do a flashback with him in this chapter, but I thought it might have gone on for too long, and I just couldn't see it working in with the rest of it all. Oh well, maybe a thought for another time. :)

Thanks for reading! :D

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