Chapter 25.

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Obi-Wan's POV


I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling, then glanced across at the sun that peeked through the shutters. I had watched it slowly creeping up the panels on the blinds as sleep evaded me. I had attempted to amuse myself by randomly scrolling through any interesting newsfeeds on my datapad before one in particular caught my attention. I saw her face before I realized what the article was about.

"Duchess Satine Kryze left shaken after recent attacks on Mandalore.

"In the past couple of days, there have been sightings of Jedi and Sith on the neutral planet, followed closely by an explosion that could have taken the Duchess' life. It is alleged that a bomb exploded underneath Mandalore and the shrapnel from it nearly hit and fatally wounded Duchess Kryze. Thankfully, she is unharmed, and, to quote her, 'the event is still fresh in my mind.'

"She claims that if the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi had not been there, she may have been killed. However, there are queries and concerns that the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker was involved in the attack. The Mandalorian civilians are uneasy, and they want answers.

"A mother was standing nearby when the bomb exploded and explains the situation from her point of view.

"'I was taking my son to have a look at the plants that were in the royal courtyard, and then I saw a Jedi rounding the corner of the building just as a bomb was blowing up. I thought he was the one who caused the explosion, but then I saw someone walking through its fire, and I wondered if she was responsible. Whatever the case, I worried for my life and for my son's life.'

"There have been rumours and unrest surrounding the recent explosion. Some are questioning whether the Jedi were responsible, and questions have been floated about Mandalore's loyalty. Will the neutral planet finally choose a side? Are these concerns about the Jedi's involvement the push needed for Mandalore to join the Separatists?"

I dropped my datapad onto my bedside table, then glanced at the blinds again. The sun was sitting halfway up them: time to get up.

Flicking back my covers, I subconsciously checked the floor space next to my bed. I wasn't surprised, though I was still disappointed, when I saw that it remained empty. Swinging my legs over the side, I rested my elbows on my knees and rubbed my face with my hands, sighing heavily.

"Is it time to get up already?"

I whipped my head around, my eyes darting across the carpet again. It was still empty. I slowly returned my chin to my palms and then my face to my hands, breathing out another sigh.

"I don't want to, Master. We stayed up too late last night."

Again, I whirled my gaze around, and I was almost sure I could see a hazy bed parked next to mine. My seventeen-year-old padawan was sitting up in his bed, looking as groggy as a mud pool, with dark rings under his eyes but a cheeky spark behind them, any case.

He shrugged slightly. "What are you looking at? You don't look half-decent yourself."

"Anakin," I breathed, then stopped when I realized his gaze was fixed just past me.

"Well, perhaps you had better get up and try to look three-quarters-decent, then," I responded smartly, folding the covers over my bed and smoothing them down neatly before straightening up and dusting my hands off.

He screwed his nose, then buried himself under his blankets. "No, thank you," came a muffled mumble from beneath the pillow.

I sneaked over to him and swiped the pillow off him, then hastened to the safety of the side of my bed opposite from Anakin's.

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