The Boy With The Lip Piercing.

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*Mikey's POV*

I groaned and rolled over trying to grab my phone on my night stand next to my bed. "Shut up." I mumbled under my breath to my alarm. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. My alarm is, 'All The Small Things' By: Blink-182. I sort of hummed along with it but quickly shut it off afterwards so I wouldn't wake my Dad. I managed to drag myself out of bed and put clothes on. Black shirt with white writing that said, 'Nirvana' a crossed it, Black skinny jeans with my black and white Vans. I yawned and smelt my own breath. Gross.

I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, washed my face, and fixed my hair into place just how I like it, I dye it a lot actually, right now it's a bright color red. I love it. Dad hates it. Mom doesn't really have an opinion on it, at least I think. I looked at myself in the mirror wanting to throw up at my own reflection. I hate everything about me. I'm never good enough. I held my wrists out in front of my stomach and pushed up my bracelets looking at the scars and cuts I have implanted on my skin. I ran a finger across the old ones and then ran across the recent ones that were still healing.

"Honey? You better hurry, you don't wanna be late for school." My mom said lightly tapping on the bathroom door from the other side.

"Okay Mom." I huffed and placed my bracelets back in their original spot. I grabbed my things for school out of my room and headed down stairs.

"Mom? Can I take the car?" I said in raised voice.

"No, I'll take you though. I need the car for today." She smiled , grabbed the keys and I followed her outside shutting the door behind me letting it slam a little just to piss Dad off.

We drove in silence until we got to WearView. Mom pulled to the front entrance and I started to get out, "Thanks Mom. Love you."

"Love you too sweetie. I won't be able to pick you up from school today so maybe ask Calum Or Ashton to bring you home." She smiled and I nodded shutting the car door. She drove off and I started to make my way inside.

"Well lookie who we have here, all by his lonesome. Faggot Clifford." A voice taunted. Jack. Jack was just another jock who loved to pick on me. I rolled my eyes and turned around taking a deep breath.

"What do you want now, Jack?" I sighed.

"For you to stop coming to school." He started walking closer to me. "Nobody wants some emo queer coming to WearView everyday soiling the halls."

"I'm not gay." I lied. "Plus. Queer? Really?" I snickered. "What is this? 1968?"

"Don't get fuckin' smart with me, Clifford." Jack launched his body at me throwing me up against the school brick wall right outside the front doors. He put his forearm up on my throat making me beg for air. Kids just walked into school like I wasn't even there. Like Jack wasn't about to pumble my face in. Nobody cares about me. I am literally nothing.

"Jack." I breathed. "Please. Stop." I felt tears prick my eyes. He let go and my hands flew to my throat. I coughed a few times and tried to regain focus. I thought Jack started to grab me again but he was only reaching for my backpack. He unzipped it and started going through it. "What are you doing?" I asked frantically. He didn't answer until he pulled out my wallet. Jack snatched my only twenty, then dropped my bag and my wallet on the ground.

"See ya later, fag." He walked away with my money into school. I felt myself start to cry. 'No, Michael Gordon Clifford! You do not cry! You're already weak and pathetic, no need to show it.' I thought to myself. I grabbed my belongings and headed into school just ass the first passing time bell rang. I went straight to my locker, looking down the entire time. I got my texts book, pencils and my journal and shut my locker.

Scars // ~Muke~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ