Timothy 'Tim' McGee x Friend!Reader

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Requested by Makayla_Chan

You had been friends with McGee for years, you had met when you were both teenagers and your fathers had been stationed together. You had moved away a couple of years later when your father was stationed elsewhere, and you had gone on to a different college. When you had moved away, you had lost contact with McGee mostly because your letters had either gotten lost or had been returned to sender. Now years later, you had gotten a doctorate in clinical psychology, as well as a bachelor of behavioural psychology. You worked with children helping them understand their own minds and why they were feeling the way they were.

McGee had regretted losing contact with you, but due to everything going on in his life he had lost contact with you. Your letters had after a year started to go missing in the mail or had been returned to you after he had moved and hadn't left a forwarding address. Then he had joined NCIS after a few years and moving onto Gibbs' team, then you had been involved in one of the cases which had reintroduced you and McGee. You had both after the case gone out for drinks before decided to rekindle your friendship.

This was what you were doing now, you were having a games day together. You had played all manner of board games, and now before the pair of you ordered dinner McGee was showing you his favourite computer game. You had already forgotten the name. It was a tactical warfare game that also involved a covert infiltration game. As you had brought your laptop with you, you were going to play a game with McGee, and hopefully kick his butt.

You were following his instructions as you played on your laptop, as you were levelling up McGee suggested that the pair of you do a quest or mission whatever it was. McGee loaded up a game for you to join and you both began this new mission. "Are we on the same team for this or are we on opposite sides here?" You asked. McGee grinned, "opposite." You smirked, "is that wise? I mean you have been giving me all your secrets. Plus, I'm pretty good at this." You paused. "Probably." McGee snorted.

McGee had made it a simple two player game where the pair of you were pitted against each other. It was a war game essentially. You had to both protect your country and invade McGee's while he had to do the same to yours. "Ready." McGee looked at you, "steady." He hovered his hands over his keyboard as you did the same. "GO!" You both shouted childishly. You giggled as McGee began to move his armies towards your country, you countered his attack rather effortlessly, moving your own army in two parts. One to defend, the other to invade his country. You managed to fend off his attack while subtlety moving your other army to a position where you could attack him. You build a few extra guard lookouts where you hoped he would next move to thinking it was a weak spot to attack. He hadn't quite built up his defence in one area you noted so, you began to slowly move your second army other there while defending your country from him.

McGee looked over at you, the way your eyes light up when he cracked a terrible joke or when you managed to get the best of him in the game. He enjoyed your friendship, the easy give and take, the way you listened to him. Granted you had cracked a few jokes about his jetpack video and how he could add the new information that had recently come to light. McGee had taken it in stride and in turn cracked a joke about the two novels in your bag that you carried with you everywhere. He loved how your relationship had managed to be picked up from where you had both left it, granted it had taken a little while to get back to the easy joking manner but you had both managed to have a easy time catching up and becoming friends once more.

You looked over at McGee as he failed another invasion of your country, but he had noticed your other army slowly creeping into his and had managed to fight you back a considerable distance. You enjoyed how you had both become friends once more and how you had an easy-going jokey relationship similar to how it was in your childhood. You had discussed every from the end of you high school years to college and how you had both stayed in like good little nerds and studied. You had also discussed how your careers had started and where you were now, you had both discussed plans for the future as well as past relationships; all ending badly or mutually. Now you were back together as friends, relearning everything to your tastes in books and movies to how much of a workaholic you both were.

The game was beginning to show someone beginning to creep forward, their own country had almost been invaded. This was largely happening because the pair of you were paying more attention to your discussions to the game, but you were having fun, nonetheless. Both of you began to move your armies for the final show down, the way you moved yours different to the way he moved his. The differences would decide the final outcome. You both began to fight, throwing the virtual men into battle. Men on both sides fell, McGee's artillery was destroyed by your own, he retaliated by making your own inoperable. The pair of you threw giggled insults at each other and began to try and move your armies around behind the other. Which simply resulted in you fighting head on from another angle. The game was nearing its end and more men fell on one side. The winner was declared and the human counterpart cheered in victory and made the other pay for the pizza that had just arrived.   

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