Chapter 4

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In my solitude, it finally hits me that my actions would bare dire repercussions. So is the burden of living under a hierarchal system. Disrespecting and publicly humiliating an alpha is often a punishable offence in the pack. The Alpha’s family is put above everyone else, and jerks like Brad could get away with such vile behaviour. The curse of being a werewolf; having to bow down to another, with no question.

The incident with Brad was threatening to trigger emotions I have been keeping at bay for the past couple of years. There is nothing I hate more than someone trying to exert dominance over me, misusing their power to have their way. It was behaviours such as this that made me stay clear off people. The last thing I wanted was anything reminding me of what had happened prior to our move.

Just as I am beginning to unwind, my tranquillity is interrupted by an unwelcomed, unfamiliar presence. When I turn to see the culprit that dares disturb my peace, my breath is almost knocked out of my body. The sight of the stranger invades my vision.  A modern Adonis, with piercing blue eyes, thick eyelashes and a chiselled jaw. His perfectly sculpted face is accentuated by a jet-black mane and a body capable of making any female weak at the knees. For a moment, the handsome stranger appears to be in a trance, openly staring at me like a stalker would his obsession, mimicking my own reaction to him.

When our eyes lock, a million butterflies erupt instantaneously in the pit of my stomach. I feel like I am drowning in his crystal blue pools and only he can pull me up from under his mesmerising gaze. My cheeks begin to burn as a subtle blush creeps up my cheeks at the realisation that I was openly ogling over a complete stranger.

Something in the way he is looking at me, with so much tenderness and intensity, somehow deludes my mind into thinking that he is no threat. His presence gives me an instantaneous sense of security that I have only ever felt with my parents and friends. I am startled by my own reaction, for it is a complete contradiction of how I normally react towards strangers and people in general.

He begins to advance towards me. His dominating presence hovering over me as he stands right before me in all his glory, making me feel smaller in contrast to his tall frame. I avert my gaze from him, hoping that he would go away if I don’t acknowledge his presence. He however doesn’t budge; instead it prompts him to keep at it.

“Are you just going to stand there, staring at me like a creep or are you going to make a pass at me so that I can politely turn you down and get this over and done with.”  

His face hardens as the words leave my mouth.

Was he expecting me to fall to his feet? Well, he had another thing coming.

“What’s troubling you Love?”

My heart flutters as he finally speaks, in a smooth but firm velvety voice his eyes heavy with concern as if he could see straight through me.

Damn, even his voice is dreamy. Why on earth am I so attracted to this stranger?

Sure, he is fine as hell but I normally wasn’t fazed by any guy’s looks. Yet with him, I was swooning before he even opened his mouth. How could he tell that I was burdened? Surely, I am not that open a book. Still reeling at what happened mere moments ago, I decide not to engage. I take a step to leave, wanting to escape his intimidating presence.

Before I even take a step further, strange tingles erupt at my wrist, and shoot up my entire body like electric current, as the stranger grabs me by the wrist. I am spun around to face the very person I was trying to flee from. My breath hitches at our proximity. I can feel his hot breath fanning my face. I try my best to maintain my resolve yet I can feel it chipping away by the second. My legs almost buckle at the foreign electrifying sensation running through my entire body.

Thanks to his quick reflexes he breaks my fall, clutching me to him by the hip with his other arm. His intoxicating scent attacks my nostrils as my body is pressed flush against his. I am left feeling lightheaded by merely being in contact with him.

I am under his spell, a wanton mess, at his mercy.

When I finally conjure up enough strength, I withdraw my hand from his grip, rubbing my wrist vigorously as if to will away the effect he has on my body. He looks straight into my eyes, and before he can utter another word, he is interrupted by another unfamiliar presence.

“Alpha, you are needed inside.”  The person rushes out nervously.

Alpha? Damn. What’s with me and Alphas today?

“What could be so important that you felt the need to interrupt me Ryan?”

The stranger booms at the man, who looks just about ready to soil his pants. Even I was terrified. I could only imagine how the poor guy was feeling.

“My apologies Alpha, Alpha Cole is requesting your presence.”

The man responds, cowering at the strangers’ intimidating tone.

“Go. I will be inside shortly.” His tone is curt and dismissive.

Someone is a jerk.

When he turns his attention back toward me, I almost regret the thought that just crossed my mind.

“We will finish this later little one.”

He utters tenderly but firmly enough to leave the promise engraved in my mind. He smiles at me as he turns to leave.

This surely wasn’t the last I would be seeing of the handsome stranger. I did not look forward to crossing paths with him again either. If there is one thing that was abundantly clear, he wasn’t someone to cross.

He is dangerous

I head back inside at the announcement that the dance was about to commence. All the unmated wolfs were called to the dance floor for the waltz. I begrudgingly took to the floor, securing my mask on my eyes. Just my luck that I would be paired with the very person I had tried to escape. I did not have to look into his eyes to know it was him. The instant tingles I felt were a dead giveaway. He held me by the hip as we swayed to the sound of the soft seductive music that rung through the walls of the grand hall. No words are exchanged between us, our souls conversing in the silence.

The warmth I’d felt in his arm turned cold as soon as we switched partners. I willed myself to forget about the masked stranger that seemed to make me lose all sense. Though my heart longed for his presence, the logically part of my brain knew how ridiculous I was being. Despite this, now all I wanted to do was leave and so when the song ended, I slipped away wanting to escape partly to dodge a certain mystery man. My night had already been eventful enough and the event wasn’t even halfway through, it would be selfish of me to end Sam’s night so abruptly.

I should have known that things were about to take a turn for the worst, maybe then I would have allowed myself to be selfish just that once.

ALPHA GREY (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now