Chapter Seven

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"So this is where you come in the mornings." I watch Four from the door frame of the training room, attacking one of the punching bags lined on the back wall.

It's been a few days since my first match with Tara. Since then, I've gone up against Sean and Xander; they both didn't know how to handle hitting me, so I ended up winning over their mercy. Other than a few bruises, I'm doing okay.

I've noticed around six in the morning, the springs in Four's bed shift and the doors open with his figure walking out of the dormitory without coming back. Today I decided to follow him to see where he goes.

Four glances at me, grabbing hold of the punching bag to make it stop swinging. He looks stronger now that he's won all his fights, physically and emotionally.

"You followed me?" I can see his knuckles split from here, some patches of dry blood.

"I was curious to why you're always gone. At night you're off somewhere when everyone falls asleep, and then you're gone before anyone wakes up. I wanted to see for myself" I take a few steps forward.

He nods. "Have you seen the board?" His head gestures to the opposite of the room, I crook my neck and spot my name.


I feel my nod tighten for a moment, forgetting how to breath.

"He's good" I mumble, still staring at the board.

"You're going to have to concede after a few punches, if you're planning not to spend another night in the infirmary" Four stops walking by my side, staring at the board with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You don't think I can take him?" I don't even believe I can take him.

"Amalia, I think you're too stubborn to back down. You're strong, stronger than most of the other initiates, but Eric..."

"Yeah. I know" I kick the floor when my eyes bow down. "Can I take you up on your help this morning, then?"

He goes quiet again. "Okay, come on."

We stand in front of each other on the black circle after discussing some techniques he's developed and noticed in Eric's fighting.

I bring my arms up, we circle each other.

"Are you going to be afraid to hit me, too?" I cock an eyebrow.

He sighs. "I didn't want to hurt Mia, but that choke hold didn't give me much choice. With you though, it's different" his blue eyes soften. "Move your feet" he instructs.

Four's noted that Eric has gone from taking the second punch, to the first. How he believes in tackling and getting his opponent to the floor as soon as he can. I have to move around as quickly as I can if I want to last longer in the fight.

"How am I different?" I ask when Four swings first, I quickly dodge it.

"Because, I've known you since we were children. I don't want to be the reason why you get hurt." We circle again, I mock a kick when he starts to take a step forward. A grin appears across his face.

"When we have to fight, don't let me win because you want to spare me" I swing a punch, but he dodges it quickly.

"Spare you?" He chuckles in disbelief. Smoothly, he pounces forward and pushes me down by my stomach. The wind gets knocked out of me when I try to catch my breath from the floor.

Four hovers over me, keeping me restrained with his arms blocking my getaway.

"I'd go easy on you, but wouldn't spare you," he whispers. Our faces are only a few inches apart, "Besides, you'd win anyway."

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