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Chapter Two - Houston, We Have a Problem

Two days later.

Hailey had managed to get me a video call meeting with her boss, Samuel, who didn't seem interested in hiring me at first until I dropped the fact that I'm working on the serial killer issue. After hearing my theory, the clues and the evidence he seemed quite impressed and told me that if I give him a story backed up by factual evidence he'll hire me. In addition to that he had called into the police department in Houston, Texas and got me a meeting with the police chief.

I also had some calls with other employers and recruiters of media companies. Once I told them the same thing I did to Samuel every one of them had the same response, that they'd hire me as soon as I got them a detailed version of story. Maybe telling them about the case I've been following was a bad idea. Now I'm desperate to get any insight I can on D.S.

So, that's where I'm heading right now. Since I didn't have a job in California anymore there was no reason for me to keep renting there. I set off first thing in the morning today and took a flight to Houston. After getting out of the airport I catch a taxi before heading to a nearby motel that I'll be staying at for the meantime.

The driver eventually pulls up to an old, decrepit looking building with people either smoking or drinking around it. I pay him before grabbing my things and walking inside. The radio's blaring a little too loudly and I find myself ringing the bell a few times before an old woman pops out from the back.

"Hi! Is there a single bed available?" I ask but am quickly distracted by her noisily chewing her gum.

She grunts before nodding and giving me the details. I pay in cash before she hands me the room key and I haul my things upstairs. It's on the second floor but still, because of how unfit I am I'm panting as I reach the door. Unlocking it I slide my things inside before glancing around. It's average but it'll do and besides I'm not going to stay long anyways.

I check the time and decide to walk to the department since I'm only fifteen minutes away from the center. Unzipping my bag I grab the folder I have prepared on the case and stuff it into my handbag before rushing out of the room. The old lady eyes me like a hawk as I fly past her but I pay no mind.

I mentally practice what I'm going to say to the police chief the entire way to the department. I'm nervous as hell because if I don't get clearance then I'm stuck. And I despise feeling like I'm stuck in any situation. Sighing I glance at the maps open on my phone before looking up at the tall building I arrive at. It's ginormous and the sheer size of it intimidates me but I suck it up before going inside.

I tell the receptionist about my appointment with the police chief before she instructs me to wait. I'm unable to stop my leg from bouncing as anticipation courses through my veins. The next ten minutes are spent looking around and sighing in boredom before she finally asks me to follow her. We walk into an elevator and go up six floors before the doors open to a silent hallway.

I look around discreetly before thanking her with a polite smile when she leaves me outside the office with 'Police Chief. Kyle Wilson' engraved on a gold plaque in big, bold letters. Knocking twice I hear a muffled "come in" and I step inside to see the familiar man I saw a picture of online. He has light brown hair that's starting to grey slightly and blue eyes. There's wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes, he seems to be in his late forties. Overall he looks friendly enough as he stands and greets me with a wide smile.

"Elena Moretti, right?"

"Yes, how are you chief Wilson?" I ask as we take our seats and exchange pleasantries.

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