Chapter Twenty-Seven: Wonderings of a Hyena

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Mason jumped at the sound, his bleary eyes scanning the room as he quickly got loose from the tangle of limbs he was adjoined to. At that moment, he feared for his life. But as he scanned the room, and found that it was coming from the door, he was no longer scared.

B-64 noticed that Mason was no longer touching him, and he turned to look at what happened. His visor's face turned to a scowl as he sat up, feeling a little cheated that he could no longer snuggle.

But that soon disappeared as he heard what the Protogen said on the other side, "Q-Jump is ready. I suggest you answer beforehand. I know you know what it is like without the spacial field activated."

Indeed he did. Having his entire contort around and through the thin needle of space-time was not enjoyable. It felt like billions of tiny ants scuttling on your body as it warped beneath the folds of space-time, and it certainly did not feel good after it.

And with Mason, he wasn't sure how he would react to it. But there was the Spacial Field, a simple little device that created a spacial anomaly that stabilized as it passed through space-time, but was highly unstable after it. He didn't really understand how it worked, but it did, and he never complained about that,

B-64 got off the bed with a hefty groan, the only thing that resembled words outside screeching harshly, and stretched. Just the simple fact that they were still alive meant that they were not going to kill them, yet anyways, and with that he knew he could have a little time before doing anything.

Mason stood as well, not understanding what the quick changes on B-64's visor meant. B-64 seemed to crack his neck, shook himself off, and grabbed Mason's hand. Mason smiled at the gesture, and happily followed him towards the door.

If Mason was being honest, he felt a little apprehensive about approaching the door. Even with B-64 holding onto his hand tightly, he still found himself dragging his paws in hopes of making the time to get to the door longer.

B-64 rapped his claws against the door, and it opened to reveal another multi-colored protogen: With red and green mixed together. Mason found himself involuntarily repulsed by that color scheme, as it did not mix well at all. That is, deep and almost black red, and neon green.

B-64 gave a few curt nods, and scowl and a growl, before returning to a happy face. He quickly and quietly left with Mason in tow, following the strange protogen. There was really nothing else worth doing.

Now, Mason got a really good view at the inside of the ship. It looked relatively normal: dark grey walls with small light bulbs attached to the ceiling, doors on each and every side with a little plaque adorned with the Protogens language.

The ground below Mason's paws was actually rather warm, and a slight hum ran through it. It was like he could feel every single little thing on the ship. He could feel the trembles from an engine, the noises and beeps of numerous devices, and he could faintly make out the sizzling sound of a device, like it was frying the very air.

Wave after wave of energy blasted through all three of their bodies. Mason nearly doubled over as he felt Red-Boson Energy flow through him, his senses and body suddenly growing stronger. Mason felt an odd heat rise in his veins.

B-64 was much in the same, he also felt the energy creeping its way into him. He was, of course, used to this. When one deals with reality changing energy, it's bound to leak out no matter what. Besides, it wasn't harmful.

Mason looked on as another wave, triply as powerful as power, racked through his body. He glanced at B-64, finding the normally green hued pixelated face was now a shiny red, glowing in a sinister shade as another wave pulsed.

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