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Miami Florida
2:35 pm
Dec. 13

Kahleya laid in her bed, once again annoyed by the fact that Jahiem flaked on her. She didn't understand him and honestly she was getting fed up with him.

If kahleya didn't hate anything, she sure did hate liars and people that broke promises. She sighed as she rolled over on her side. She picked up her phone to check if there was a message from Jahiem.

Unfortunately there wasn't. She sighed and sat up in the bed. "So I shaved for nothing" she said twisting her lips.

Suddenly, phone started blowing up. Text messages and phone calls. She grabbed her phone and read everything.

Kahleya's heart fell to her ass when she read. She hurriedly put on some clothes, grabbed her keys and headed out the door. Luckily—her brother was at her grandmothers house. She hopped in her car and headed to the hospital.

When she got there she didn't even park her car, she hopped out of the car and headed straight inside. "Ma'am! Ma'am!" The security hollered chasing her.

But kahleya was too fast. "Hi hello I'm here to see Jahiem Omanis" she stated out of breath. The receptionist looked up at her . She rolled her eyes and then looked back at her clipboard. Kahleya didn't have the time to address her with the eye roll but best believe she would.

"Room 12-790" she said. Kahleya ran down to the room to see Jahiem. He wasn't in the room. She stood there confused. "Leya!" She heard someone shout. She turned around to see semaj. She walked over to him.

"Where's he at?" She asked looking at semaj. "He just went into surgery" he told her. She sighed looking down. Tears filling her eyes.

Semaj pulled her closely as he wrapped his arms around her reassuring her that everything was going to be ok. "Can you go move my car before they tow it?" She asked looking up at him.  He chuckled and let go of her. He the left to go park her car.

She texted Keirson to let her know what was going on. Not long after, she arrived. "Oh my god what happened?" She asked .

"Drive by" Jamal said. Keirson stood there. She looked over at kahleya who was sitting down rocking back and forth. She took a seat beside her quietly.

Two hours later, the doctor came out. "Omanis family?" Everyone stood up. "I'm here" Jahiems dad said rushing down the hall way. "I'm kelvin Omanis" he said. "These are family friends." He told the doctor.

"Hello, I'm doctor montanaè" he said. "Your son is out of surgery now I'm happy to say he's doing much better. He was very lucky that the bullet missed his internal organs." The doctor continued to explain.

"We're going to get him ready and then a nurse will come out and let you know when to go in" He said. "Thank you so much doctor" kelvin said shaking his hand. Kelvin turned to the rest of the group.

"So does anyone care to tell me what happened?" He asked looking at each and everyone. Everybody stood quiet. "So no one knows what happened?" He asked again.

"Hello there" a man in a suit and tie said. Kelvin turned around and looked the man up and down . "I'm officer harris. I just have few more questions for you" he said.

"Ok" kelvin said. "Is your son in any type of gang of any sort?" He asked with a small notepad in his hand. Kelvin scrunched up his face at his question. "No. My son is an honor roll student." He replied confident in his answer.

"Okay. Well it seems that your son was in a drive by." The officer stated. Kelvin heart dropped out of his chest. "Drive by?" He asked.

"Yes. The way the bullet his car it was clear that they were shooting to kill him" he continued.

Kelvin shook his head in disbelief. "When he wakes up we're going to have to ask him some questions about his lifestyle." Officer Harris continued. Kelvin nodded his head in agreement. "Yes of course" he replied. The officer smiled and then walked off.

"Jamal bring your narrow ass over here now!" He said. Jamal sighed and walked over to his uncle. "What's the meaning of this?" He asked looking at his nephew. He knew that Jamal know something because his and Jahiem were close and they were always together.

"I don't know unc. I just got the call that he got shot and I came and got him" he told him. "So you have no idea who shot at my son?" He asked. "No unc. Thats what we're still tryna figure out." He said. Jamal wasn't about to sell out and he knows that it was up to him and the guys to figure out who killed maya and shot Jahiem.

"First Maya now Jahiem. Something ain't right and I am going to find out what's going on" he said looking at all of them.

Keirson furrowed her brows. She knew she had to get him out the way because he's going to go run his mouth and go looking for something he didn't need to.

"Omanis family?" The nurse asked smiling. "Yes right here." Kelvin answered. "Okay he's ready you guys can go in" she said walking them to the room. Everyone hurriedly walked into the room.

When kahleya saw Jahiem was string attached to him, her heart hurt. She never though she would ever see him like that. " she walked over to him. Kelvin watched her. "And you are?" Kelvin asked kahleya. "I'm-" he got cut off by Jahiem. "Pops this is my girlfriend kahleya" he mumbled.

"Girlfriend ? What happened to that other girl?" Kelvin asked. "It's a long story" he replied. Kelvin sighed. He watched as his son tried to sit up. He saw the tattoos on his body and frowned.

"Son when did you get those?" He asked. Jahiem sighed. He had completely forgotten he had them. "Dad I been had these since I was 17" he answered. Kelvin frowned.

"So are you going to explain to me how you got shot at and why ?" He asked his son. Jahiem sighed. He couldn't tell his dad that his was a dope boy. He couldn't begin to explain that his was living that type of lifestyle.

"I don't know pops. All I know is I pulled up to the stop light then a car came round the corner and then they started shotting I ducked back and drove into some fields and then that's when I called semaj" he told him. Kelvin knew for a fact that his son wasn't telling him everything.

"Okay well an officer is coming here in the morning to talk to you" he said. Jahiem scrunched his face. "For what?"he asked confused. "They think your in some type of gang" he told him.

Jahiem shook his head. He didn't fuck with twelve at all. He wasn't with that police ass shit. He ain't trust the system either. He laid back on the bed and Started to contemplate on what he was going to do.

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