Chapter 5 - Margo's POV

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After about thirty minutes of waiting in the Justice Building, we are escorted out to a car where Vita is waiting for us. I zone out as she begins to drone on and on about how lucky we are to be tributes, and how glorious the Capitol is. We are then ushered onto a train and offered some food from a buffet area in one of the cars. It's more food then I've ever seen in my life. Alexia and I grab a few things and sit down at a table, nibbling on the sweet pastries and rich tastes of food that we didn't even know existed. Vita looks at us from across the table, trying to hide her disgust.

"Do you two have any table manners at all?" she exclaims.

"What do mean?" I ask with my mouth full.

She scoffs.

"You eat as if you've been starved," she says, eyes wide with horror.

"That's because most people from the districts don't get as much food as you Capitol asshats," says a deep voice from the doorway. Kolton Clarke, our mentor. I've never seen him up close, but now that he's here I can understand why he's had so many lovers in the Capitol.

"You might want to get used to the fact that we aren't like you darling," he says to Vita, prompting to her to stand up and huff off. He turns to us.

"Ladies," he says, giving us a fake salute.

He walks over to the buffet and pours himself a large glass of some blueish-green liquid, then comes over to the table and sits down. In the hand not holding the odd colored drink, is a piece of paper.

"I did some research for you," he says, sliding the paper towards Alexia and I, "It's a list of all this year's tributes, and some notes I was able to get based on how they were acting,"

Alexia looks over the paper, then hands it to me.

"How did you get all of this from two minutes of stage time at the reaping?" Alexia asks.

He sighs, looking like he's answered this question a million times before.

"During my games I started analyzing the others. Most of the time you get a few different groups of people, and every year they act the same. I've looked over every game, and it's always the same. You can almost always tell how long someone is going to last in the games just based on their actions in the reaping. And, of course, what district they're from," Kolton says, like he's stating the obvious, "Of course there are some exceptions. You always have someone like Connor Ingles, or Johanna Mason who pretend that they're weak and then kill everyone themselves. The old escort always told me I should join in with the Capitol betting, she thought I'd make a lot of money." he said, chuckling once then taking a sip of his drink.

"There's betting in the Capitol?" I ask, horrified.

"There's a lot of bad things that happen in the Capitol," he whispers to us, "Just don't mention that fact out loud. Their a bunch of brainwashed idiots, the Capitol citizens, and all they want from you is a good show. So, give it to them."

He gets up and starts to walk out of the train car.

"We'll talk more in the morning before we arrive. For now, enjoy the refreshments," he raises his glass, "and get some rest if you can." He winks at us before turning around and walking out.

"So that's our mentor," Alexia says.

I look over the paper her gave us again.

"At least he can give us some good advice," I say.


District 1 – Ruby and Opal Gosselin, 18

Volunteers, Both look incredibly strong and arrogant (as is usual w/ careers), watch out for them, and stay away from them at training

District 2 – Alana and Nolan Mason, 18 and 16

Alana is the career (she volunteered), but Nolan should still be considered a threat

Again – watch out, stay away

District 3 – Bolt and Flash Ryam, 14 and 13

Young, but quick and probably really smart

Never underestimate D3 kids

District 4 – Kai and Coral Fischer, 18 and 13

Kai volunteers 13 y/o kid sister into a quarter quell - he is ruthless and will kill his sister to win – she knows this, will stay away from him, look strong and smart, Alliance?

District 5 – Wyatt and Isaac Foster, 17 and 14

Pay attention to Wyatt – isn't typical career district but he might join them, Isaac – will die in bloodbath

District 6 – Carter and Casey Apollo, 12 (twins)

Poor kids, will die in bloodbath

District 7 – Rowan and Ivy Carlson, 15 and 13

They aren't capable of any damage, will keep to themselves and hide out for most of the games

District 8 – Penny and Lea Angora, 18 and 12,

Penny volunteered in place of a very pregnant girl (girlfriend?) and her sister, but feels terrible about throwing the kid into the mix, will do anything to get Lea out alive

Stay away from them unless they come to you, they will be entirely defense the entire games

District 9 – Bran and Harvey Miller, 17 and 15

Either make an alliance with them or stay the hell away from them

District 10 – Eve and Belinda Engle, 16 and 12

Eve could have a chance but will most likely die protecting the kid, they won't last long

District 11 – Cane and Willow Till, 14 and 13

Skinny, young, will die in bloodbath

District 12 – Margo and Alexia Hawthorne

You two look weak and extremely dependent of each other. Change my mind

"How exactly are we supposed to change his mind?" Alexia asks.

"He already told us," I say, "Learn to act for the Capitol. Put on a show."

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