Chapter 10 - Alexia's POV

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I keep my hold on Margo's hand until after the chariot has stopped.  All of the tribute chariots are lined up in two arches in the City Circle, facing the balcony where President Camilla Snow is preparing to speak.  I'm finally able to see all of the tributes and attempt to connect names to faces.  The ones that stick out most are the twin girls from District One, Kai and Coral from Four, Carter and Casey from Six, whose chariot is right in front of ours, and Penny and Lea from District 8.  Penny and Lea look like quite the odd match, they look more like cousins than siblings, and Lea looks so young for her age.  I feel sick to my stomach as I see all of the young kids and remember the fact that Penny's going to be a father.  I finish looking around just as President Snow begins her speech.

Her voice echoes across the clearing, reminding me so much of that video from the reaping.  She talks about how wonderful it is that we're here and how great the games will be this year.  Once she's finished, the chariots create a circle, loop around once, then head inside the Training Center.  As we exit, I look up to the President's box one last time and see her staring right and me and Margo.

"Margo, look, the President's staring at us," I say, nudging her arm, but by the time she turns to look President Snow is walking away.

"You're seeing things, Lexi," Margo says as we enter the Training Center and the doors close.

In the Training Center, all of the chariots are lined up in one runway like hallway, and all of the tributes are finally in the same room together.  Some of them scare me, like the District Two girl and the boy from District 5, while others just make me feel terrible.  The fact that I know that the poor twins from Six and the two from District Three aren't going to make it makes me feel terrible.  Although, Kolton did tell us not to underestimate District Three, so maybe they'll have a chance.

Greeting us and helping us get out of the chariot are Helios, Chastity, Kolton and Vita.  All the other tributes have their own entourage, with most of the districts having an extra mentor.  Once we get out of the chariot, I look around and see most of the tributes staring back towards us, some of the younger ones in awe of the dresses, and some of the older careers looking at us as threats.  I give a weak smile then turn around to talk to Margo and our little group.

"So, now that you've been properly introduced to the country, we'll be showing you where you'll be staying for the next few weeks!"  Vita says excitedly.

"Oh yes, I do love District Twelve's floor," Chastity cuts in, "Have you seen it yet Vita? I know that you're new and all."

They begin to walk away, chatting about our floor and other things, and usher us to follow them. 

"Let's go ladies," Kolton says, pointing to the direction we need to go.

Helios feigns offense and Kolton rolls his eyes.

"And Helios," he adds, making a gesture for him to go ahead.

They both laugh and we all begin chasing after Vita and Chastity.  I'm arm in arm with Alexia due to the fact that I still can't walk well in the heels I'm wearing, and we've caught up with our group leaders while Kolton and Helios seemingly have disappeared.

"I wonder what's going on between them," Margo whispers to me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Kolton and Helios.  The giggling.  The sarcasm.  The fact that they disappeared just now," she says,  "There's totally something going on there."

"I doubt it," I  say, "I mean, you know about the drama that goes down with him every year.  Kolton's got four or five new girls every time he comes to the Capitol.  There's no way he's suddenly got a relationship with your stylist."

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