Chapter 12 - Margo's POV

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After dinner we all sit in the living room together - me, Alexia, Kolton, Helios, Chastity and Vita - and Kolton tells us about our schedule for the next few days.

"Alright, so, since this year is a quarter quell, there is extra time for training," he begins, "So you won't actually be going into the games for the next two weeks."

Thank god for that, I think to myself.

"The next six days will be filled with training, then on the seventh day you will have your interviews with Augustus Keller.  After the interviews, you have another six days to train, then on the seventh morning you will enter the arena." Kolton explains.

"Why do we need a full two weeks of training?" Alexia asks.

"Apparently there will be more stations then normal, and you'll be taught some extra skills," Helios says.

"Extra skills?" I ask, "Like what exactly?"

"You'll see tomorrow when your training begins," Vita says.

I stay silent as the rest of our group starts talking, until it gets dark outside.

"I think I'm going to head to bed," I say, standing up.

"I'm going to go with you," Alexia says, getting up to follow me.

"Goodnight," everyone calls out after us.  As we enter my room, I hear Vita say that she's going to go to sleep as well and Kolton explaining that he needs to go somewhere. 

"I want to stay in your room again Margo, if you don't mind," Alexia says.

"Of course, I don't mind, Lexi," I tell her, closing the door, "Hey look, there's another one of those remotes like on the train."

She grabs it and switches it to the same meadow scene that we put on in our train room last night.

"It's different in here.  The room is bigger than last night," I say.

"A little bit," Alexia says, plopping down on the bed.

I lay down next to her and do my best to fall asleep.  After maybe thirty minutes I hear her softly snoring, but I can't sleep.  I play with my necklace, Lily's necklace, and remember how I may never see her again.  We aren't allowed to speak to anyone back home, but I'm planning on saying something to her in my speech at the interviews. That's typical of tributes that have a girlfriend or boyfriend back home, they're always asked about them and always say something. I fall asleep thinking of Lily, pretending that I'm with her in the tree by the meadow instead of with Alexia in the Capitol.


I'm running through the arena.  It's a dark forest, filled with poisonous bugs and monstrous animals.  I'm running away from something, and beside me are Alexia, and my grandmother and Aunt Margo.  We run away from this large, black mass as fast as we can, but we're  too slow.  It catches grandma and Aunt Margo first, then rips Alexia to shreds, before turning to me and snarling.  Then, it smiles at me, blood running down its face, and morphs its face to look like me.  It screams.


I wake up.  Screaming, just like the black mass had been.

Alexia looks at me, concern on her face.

"It's alright, Margo.  Just a nightmare," she says.

"I remember it," I say, shocked.

"What do you mean?" Alexia asks.

"I mean, I remember the nightmare," I say, "You know that's never happened before."

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