Chapter 35

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"Guys!" Kim yelled and hugged Nolan and I. The music boomed all over the place. People whooped moving their bodies to the beat.

"Whoa! You are rocking that dress, babe," I said watching her spin.

"Courtesy of Victoria."

"Merci, Kim." Victoria placed her arm across Kim's shoulders. "Nice dress, Anna. Wait, did you tell Nolan not to wear suit today or something?"

I laughed. Of course, I did. Nolan cleared his throat clearly uncomfortable with the way we stared at him. Instead of his usual suit or shirt and trousers get up, I made him wear a pirate costume. Trust me when I say he is rocking that eye patch.

"Whoa! What the? Nolan is that you?" Travis asked. Darell and Drake in tow seemed amused.

"That's it. I'm going to change." He held in hands and headed for the exit.

Darell blocked him and turned him to face us.

"You are my new favorite person." Drake said still checking Nolan out. "Like how did you make him wear that? The suits were really kind of boring."

"Coin toss which she rigged." Nolan yelled

"I did not. Just accept it that I'm a champion."

"I am so going to post this." Darell took pictures of Nolan who grimaced. I jumped in and kissed his cheek.

"Smile for the camera. Grandma Penelope asked me to send her lots of pictures."

"Someone kill me now." He rubbed his face but a smile tugged at his lips.

"Hey guys, the bathroom line went on like forever." Brie said brushing her hair from her face. She wasn't even in a dress, she wore a pant suit and had her hair in a bun. "Nolan, wow. Like wow. See, Vickie, I don't have to wear a dress to prom. Even Nolan wore a costume."

"Which Anna made me wear." Nolan pointed out.

"Are we going to stand here and talk nonsense or are we going to shake some body?" Travis asked dancing.

"If you beat Travis in a dance contest, I will let you pick my clothes from now on", Nolan said and put his arm around my waist.

"Dude, is your closet worth it?" Drake asked amused. Nolan answered with a smirk

"Our friend is a goner." Darell sighed shaking his head

"Deal," I said.

"But-" Nolan started again.

"Knew there was a catch. There is always a catch." Kim said.

"-If you lose, you owe me a kiss." he looked smug.

"Huh?" Brie and Travis went jaw slacked.

"Aww," Vickie pouted, "you better lose, Anna."

"You can't take it back since you said 'deal'," he said.

I shrugged. "It's just a kiss."

Our friends whooped around us.

"I forgot to add-" He started to say.

"No more, Nolan. No more." I eased away from him and made my way to the center of the room. "Travis, what are you waiting for? Are you scared?"

"I just don't wanna hurt your feelings Princess but I'm the Lord of Dancing."

"We shall see." I said and the center stage cleared. Everyone stood back watching with growing excitement.

"This got to be good." Brie yelled.

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