Chapter Twenty-Nine: Sam and Dean's Past

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 (Jess's POV)

    It had been a strange few days for Jess and the boys. A lot of what Sam had said to Gary stuck in her head. She didn't have the best childhood growing up but Jess was lucky, to have her mom for a small amount of time then Rachel and her aunt.

    If it weren't for the, Jessica's not sure where she'd be now? 

    The ride back to the motel was quiet as all three were in thought. Jess couldn't tell what the brothers were thinking but she figured it had to do with their childhood. She didn't want to bring any sour memories up but she knew there was a story there, she knew both of them were hurt from something. She saw it plain as day on their faces. She wanted to know so she asked.

    That was three days ago. 

    Dean and Sam had looked at her but hadn't responded and she dropped it like everything else. She was starting to see a trend with them that she didn't like all that much. They didn't talk. Maybe they thought they were too macho, she didn't know.

    Still, she didn't push.

    They had looked for a case for those three days but nothing close had popped up. They were now on their way back to Bobby's for what she hoped was a break. The old hunter had sounded quite urgent on the phone. 

    Sam snored in the backseat when Dean turned off the side of the interstate. It was almost seven in the morning and the sun had slowly started to ascend up into the sky. Jess looked up from her book.

    "Why'd we stop, the car okay?" She looked around in confusion until Jess heard Dean's voice. It was almost a whisper.

    "When I was four years old my mother died in a nursery fire."

    'Oh. oh.' Jess thought and dropped her book to the seat and gave him her full attention. 

    "Officially it was written off as a gas leak but really she was murdered by a yellow-eyed demon. My dad tried to save her... Sam was still a baby so he doesn't remember Mom much or that night. I carried him out of our burning house and we've been hunting ever since."

    "That must have been rough on you and Sam...being so young," Jess said. She felt for them, she really did. She wouldn't wish the death of a parent on anyone.

    And maybe that was why they never talked or shared anything about themselves. Because the Winchesters had already lost so much.

    "After we hit the road and started moving around a lot, Dad would go off on hunts by himself so I mostly took care of Sam. It was rough, moving around so much but we managed. Dad learned about the supernatural, trained me, then Sam when he was old enough. We searched for a long time for the thing that killed mom. His name was Azazel, a prince of hell and one mean son of a b*tch."

    She watched Dean look out the windshield, out to the foggy landscape that beckoned them forth. They were almost to Bobby's and the sun was slowly rising in the East. Jessica wondered why Dean had thought now was a great time to be revealing his and sam's life story however, she was glad Dean felt comfortable enough to tell her.

    "The way we grew up was far from normal." He continued, "We never really had a childhood, but now that I think about it, even if we're both messed up, I would not've traded this life for anything, which is saying a lot."

    Jess blinked back tears and reached for Dean's hand and tried to offer some semblance of comfort.

    "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that was your childhood. No child should have to go through that. I'm sorry you had to raise your brother by yourself. You've been through so much. More than anyone should go through." 

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