Chapter Fifty: The Least Likely of Duos

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    (Kurt's POV)

    Kurt followed Chloe closely as she walked down the street. He wasn't sure where she was going but he didn't really care. His new orders were to watch her and report back if she stepped too far out of line. It sounded like some sort of demotion in his eyes until some higher-ups mentioned the Winchester brothers. 

    He didn't want to assume the worst but it didn't look good so far. Chloe of course kept up to her rounds...made deals and got the job done like normal, but if the higher-ups wanted to keep an eye on her, she must've been into something fishy with the hunter brothers or not.

    Kurt really couldn't care less if she was helping the Winchesters but he did care about Chloe's reputation. If it got out that she was actively trying to make sure that the Winchesters succeed in taking on Lucifer then she'd be cast out and blacklisted in Hell. No one would trust her and she'd probably be killed. It was sad but it was the way of things.

    Also, if Chloe's reputation went down, so did his. He was her friend, yes, they'd practically raised through the crossroad ranks together to get where they were today and if Chloe screwed that up then it also reflected poorly on him and he couldn't afford a setback.

    Still, he guessed he was honored to take on this new role. No longer did he do grunt work. His job soley was to make sure Chloe did as she was told, which was a major change for him, something new. He thought he'd always be stuck at the bottom of the totem pole but this was a sign that he was moving up. Kurt let out a pleased sigh and continued to follow Chloe...she was on the phone and seemed to be talking to someone she knew.

    Kurt rolled his eyes and then stepped into a puddle. Water encased his shoe and he let out a mini shriek and jumped out of the puddle. Thankfully there weren't many people around to see him freak out. He quickly kicked his shoe off and tried to get as much of the dirty rainwater off.

    'No, no no...these are Italian!'

    A tear welled up in his eye as he stared at the already warping shoe. He had just gotten these recently in a deal with a fellow demon...he'd taken the soul of a shoemaker in Sicily who had wanted a better life. The only problem was that the shoe maker's time had come and there was no way he'd get a replacement that could rival what he had now.

    In all this commotion he'd forgotten about Chloe so he wasn't surprised when he looked up and saw she was gone. Kurt took a deep breath and tried to keep his calm. That worked for all of three seconds.

    Rage filled the demon and he threw his shoe at the ground, falling to his knees, he starred up to the sky and yelled. "WHYYYYY!"

 • • • • • •

    (Dean's POV)

    It had been a rough night at the bar. It seems that no one wanted to play pool, so the hustling was non-existent. Also, the waitress he'd been flirting with had turned out to have a boyfriend so he struck out there as well. It just wasn't his day.

    Dean didn't like staying in one place for too long but this case was a long con. They'd already been here for over a month and quite frankly he was ready to gank him a witch. Hopefully, Sam had been more successful at the library. He was itching to move on already. If they stayed any longer they might as well sign a lease to an apartment and get part-time jobs like Jess.

     The elder Winchester felt for his keys as he crossed the bar's parking lot towards the impala. Jess thought it'd be a good idea to start working at the motel they were all staying at. She had fought tooth and nail saying that it'd be the perfect cover. Dean wasn't too sure but it kept her out of trouble so it was good enough for him.

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