I like you

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Key- Y/N(your name), Y/Bff(your best friend's name). This first chapter is in first person.

Today was my day! The day I was going to tell my friend Dice that I like him. I was excited and nervous. 

       I go over to my closet and pick out a blue sundress with yellow and white flowers all over it. I put my hair in two big braids and put on my white, wedge sandals. I grab my white cardigan, backpack, and phone and then proceed to the kitchen. 

Once at school, I feel even more nervous. 

"Boo!" yells Dice. I jump in surprise. 

"Did I scare you?" ask Dice. 

"Uh.. yeah!" I emphasize my yeah. 

"Wow! You look beautiful.. I mean nice. You look nice y/n." 

I started to blush really hard. "Thank You Dice." The bell rings for first period. 

"Crap! I'm going to be late for English." 

It was now lunch time and I was too nervous to eat. 

"Y/N. Are you okay?" Y/BFF asked full of concern. 

"I'm fine Y/BFF. I'm just nervous because after eighth period, I'm going to tell Dice how I feel about him." 


"Calm down." 

"Calm down?! You're confessing your feelings. This is a big deal Y/N!" For the rest of lunch period, we talked about Dice and how I would tell him how I feel. 

Finally chemistry, my last class of the day. I kept looking at the clock. Waiting for time to speed up and slow down at the same time. What if he doesn't like me back? What if he stops being my friend? What if he likes someone else and laughs in my face? For the rest of chemistry, we did an experiment, testing the ph levels of different dogs urine. It was gross, but cool. 

"Okay class. Have a great weekend and don't forget your one page lab report is due on Monday." Mrs. Kathlyn said. My heart was pounding so fast and hard. In one minute the bell would ring, I'll go to my locker, pack up my stuff, go to Dice's locker and confess my feelings for him. 


I run out of class super fast and get to my locker. I unlock it and pack up. After, I pop a breath mint in my mouth and check myself in the mirror. 

'Breathe. It's okay. You got this Y/N. Cool, Confident, Sexy. Cool, Confident, Sexy. Now go!' I walk down the hall, focusing on Dice. Gosh he looks so cute. His black curly hair, his blue jersey, and khaki shorts. Gosh he was handsome. 

"Hey Dice."

"Hey Y/N. How was chemistry?" He asked still packing up.

"It was good. We tested the different ph levels of dog urine." My hands felt clammy and I felt shaky. 

"EWW! That's so gross." He exclaimed closing his locker.

"Yeah. There's something I want to tell you." I say swallowing. 

"Okay. What's up?" 

It was silent for a moment. 'Say it Y/N' 'Say it!' 'Omg! Just say it!' 'He is literally staring at you, waiting for you to answer just-' 

"I like you!" I blurted out. Everyone that was left in the hallway was staring at us. 

"You like me?" Dice asked looking a little shocked. 

"Yes. I like you as more than a friend." I say releasing a breathe I didn't even know I was holding. 

"You. Like. Me." Dice said. Punctuating every word, still shocked. I was getting nervous again. He's probably going to reject me, but what he did next shocked me. He took my hand and practically pulled me down the hall. We got on our bus. 

"I like you too." He said smiling at me. 

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