Chapter 185: Smash the Place!

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Translator: Flying Lines

“How is the recovery going?”

In the hospital ward, Chen An placed a basket of fresh fruits on the bedside table. The tall boy’s leg was held in a cast and he couldn’t go anywhere except lying on the bed and rest. He smiled nonchalantly when he saw Chen An, and said: “the doctor said it’s going to be okay, Mr. Chen. No permanent damage.”

“That’s good. Don’t worry about school. I’ll talk to them. By the way, if there’s anything you need, just tell Wang Li. If you’re worried about missing classes, I’ll get Wang Li to find you a personal tutor.”

The tall boy got hurt because of them, so Chen An felt obliged to provide the best medical care, and to avenge him.

He had wanted to avoid using violence if at all possible. A fair game was all he wanted, and to have some fun playing the game with students he liked and trusted. His rivals, however, kept using dirty tricks, and took them unawares by beating the tall boy. If Chen An let it go, he would not be the Old Fox, the international crime lord for many years.

“No, that won’t be necessary. The nerd can help me, Mr. Chen, so there’s no need.” The tall boy waved the idea away, and grinned, “Mr. Chen, I had not known you’re so rich. This ward is more extravagant than my place at home. I think it’s a bit uncalled for, even with a broken leg. Probably we should get an ordinary one.”

Chen An gave the boy a look, though he was still smiling. Then he asked: “worried I may ask you to pay for it later? All right now, I’m rich like you said. If you move to an ordinary ward, you can pay for it yourself.”

The boy scratched his head, with an awkward ‘you got what I’m thinking’ smile. He was not from a poor family, but was by no means rich. Never before had he lived in such a big and well-furnished ward: there was special medical personnel to take care of him, a big TV and a bed larger than the one he had at home.

The other day he accidently asked the daily charge and was totally astonished by the answer: it was more than the monthly salary he was likely to get after he graduate!

“But this is too much…”the boy still thought it more than necessary.

“There, there. Focus on getting well. You would not have got hurt if it was not for the game, so I consider it my responsibility.” Chen An gave the boy’s head a light pat, “stop protesting. If you keep doing it, I’ll make you run 20 more circles when you recover!”

Outside the ward, three men leaned on the wall in a row, and like film stars from a poster, attracted attention wherever they went. Right now, the one with blonde hair was peeking inside by the door.

“Who is this one? Tut, tut, An seems to be quite familiar with him,” Ivanov turned around and said in an accusing tone to the other two, “you two are by his side every day. Can’t you keep an eye on this man? Why don’t you do something to stop this guy spreading his charms around?”

Chen Yang replied with apparent impatience: “he is a student of An’s!” The hairy bear was overreacting.

“Haven’t you heard of teacher-student relationships? It’s kind of a fad right now. And this man goes around like a butterfly…” Before Ivanov finished the sentence, he noticed Lu Feng and Chen Yang both looking over his shoulder. So in a blink, he put on a smile and changed his tone, “my An is so charming; I constantly worry I might lose him.”

Slowly turning around, Ivanov indeed saw the man, who only came out of the ward a moment ago, standing behind him. The hairy bear raised his arm and waved to Chen An in greeting: “Hey, baby.”

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