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Maya laid in bed. She looked up to see Addie who walked in.  She looked over at Maya and smiled. "I'm sorry for what you're going through. I only found out dad was my dad not too long ago. And it's a mess. I know what you're going through. And I'm here for you if you want to talk," Addie said.

Maya looked to her and smiled. "Thanks. It's a mess. And I don't know what to do or think."

"She isn't a bad person. They split when we were little. And they thought it was better to stay apart until a few years ago when they started working together. You know they had an affair," Addie said.

Maya smiled as she looked at her sister. "Yeah I know. It's just a mess and I never thought this would happen," Maya said.

Addie smiled. "Tell me about it. Now what the hell is going on with you and Tyler?" Addie asked.

Maya sighed. "He's blackmailing me. I spent one night with him. He taped it. And he's now threatening to show dad. He knows about you and Simon too," she told her.

Addie sighed and nodded. "It's simple. All you have to do is threaten him. I mean, you're fifteen and you know how much trouble he could get into," Addie said as Maya smirked.

She knew her sister was right.


Maya got to school as she stood in the corridor. Max walked over to her and glared as he grabbed her arm. "Get your hands off of me or I will scream this school down," she spat.

Max let go of her arm. He looked to her and glared. "I know what you did. I know that you had my car trashed," he said.

Maya looked to him and smirked. "Prove it," she said.

Max was still glaring at her. "You remember what I have over you. I can just go and tell your father," he said.

Maya shrugged. "Yeah you could do that. But if you do, then I will have to point out that you're the executive head. And I'm the student. You'll lose your job and go to jail. And the fact I'm only fifteen, it will be classed as rape. So if I were you, I'd destroy that tape or I will destroy you. And you know that you have a lot more to lose than I do," she spat.

Max looked to her and glared as she walked off. Max knew that he was used to getting his own way. And with Maya, it was different. And he knew he could lose everything if he wasn't careful.


Maya sat in the common room. She looked up as Tom walked in. He looked to her and smiled. "Hi darling. Can we talk?" He asked.

Maya sighed as she looked at her dad. "I guess," she said.

Tom smiled. "Look. I know it's all a mess and that I've let you down. And Addie. But you're my girls. And I want you to know it's not what I want. And I hope you can find a way to forgive me. I was trying to protect you," Tom said.

Maya looked to him and sighed. She knew it was a mess. And she didn't know what to think. But could she actually find a way to forgive her father?

Knowing he was the only man she could trust. And how he had lied to her for so long.

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