23rd-"Three minutes each."

4 3 2

After several rounds of muttered curses, bad bruising and constant pleading, we were done with training, for today. For today being the keywords.

I'd exercised more today than I had in the past year, my body wasn't used to such strenuous exercise. Neil, even though the more athletic one was also huffing loudly with sweat soaking his vest quicker than mine.

He caught me staring and smiled, 'You good?'

I nodded, shooting him a thumbs up which he quickly returned.

Loud footsteps hinted at Vicky's arrival.

Sometimes I wondered how this man was an agent, apart from the fact that he was good with weapons, there was nothing about this man that made him seem like a secret agent.

He perhaps was also forced into this profession like me.

'You both 3 minutes each.' Vicky said gesturing to the phone.

'That's the surprise?' Neil asked, sounding a little disappointed.

I turned to him surprised, didn't he want to call his parents?

'Just call that friend of yours.' Vicky suggested.

I looked at them confused, both of them staring intently at each other.

'They told you?' Neil asked

Vicky nodded as Neil looked at the ceiling, ruffling his hair and then walked out.

'Jackson you go first, I'll handle him.'

'I-' He left handing me the phone before I could ask.

I stood there staring at the phone, then I realized I only had 3 minutes so I dialled the number I knew by heart and the only one I could talk anything and everything to.

New chapter!

Hope y'all like it:)

Stay Safe!

And a big thank you to everyone who's still reading it, I can't thank you enough for sticking by <3



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