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(Song playing:Sunflower by post Malone)

(someone singing out loud)

''WHEN LEFT IN THE DARK..........''

YUP!, the annoying voice singing early in the morning is my little sister Chelsea, who gets joy from torturing me every morning with her music and her horrible voice ,''but the jokes on her in this country your allowed to call the cops and complain about noise''.

   After a long relaxing bath and a breakfast with a show ,considering the cops swag by here, a few minutes  ago to issue my sister a warning ''i wonder who complained?''. oh well i guess will never know, at least that's the end of my sis morning madness. Either way am finally ready for school. Since my mum has to be at work by six, she leaves the house before were even up and since i only have a driver's permit , am not allowed to drive with anyone in the car with me, but i can drive myself places . My mum hired a driver and i think his here

                                     HUK!!   HUK!!    HUK!!

''Guys the driver's here!''. In the car i had to tell the driver that my two younger  brothers had to be dropped off first since they were both in middle school and i and my sister would be dropped off last, since i was a senior in high school and my sis is a soft-mo .

                                     '' BEACHWOOD HIGH'', I said as i stared at the huge building in front of me #where new souls die#. I walked towards the school alone, since my sister had ditch me  because she didn't want to be seen with,well i don't actually mind the idea cause my sis is kinda of an extrovert, she likes the attention of people while i enjoy the company of laying low.

 OMO!!(wow),this school is huge. The lockers and walls are all painted with graffiti art. 

                                 ''EXCUSE ME!!! a woman says.

WOMAN: Hello!, my name is Mrs Gwen Miller, am the principal assistant and am your tour guide for today . Am here to give you your  schedule and your books ,so if you please follow me , we can begin.

REEN: emmmmm!! Mrs Miller i kinda have a sister who's .........

MRS MILLER:who's a soft-mo ,Chelsea right. 

REEN; yes!!

MRS MILLER: don't worry, have given her her schedule and books .

REEN: okay.

                               ( After 30mins of a tour around the school )

MRS MILLER: okay!, so here is your schedule and your books, behind the schedule are a list of the school extra-curriculum activities that each student of the school is expected to join, at least two activities ,it makes up only 3rd of your grade .GOODBYE!!

REEN: Thank you ! 

          Mrs Miller rushes off before i could thank her properly,on the bright side at least she dropped me off at my first class *ENGLISH*. i take a deep breath and walk into to the class, as i stared into the class, i thought this was one of those movies where the new kid steps in and everyone stops what they are doing just to stare, but it turns out nobody actually gives a shit ,so i quickly take a sit before they change their minds.

''GOOD MORNING CLASS'', a man dressed like his auditioning for a role in the sequel of harry potter movie walks in.

''My name is MR P.POTTER''.

(I laugh hysterically) ''in my head of course don't want to draw attention to myself''.

MR P: the P stands for Peter am your  English teacher for the semester, our topic for the day is clau.....

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