To-do Sunday services

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VEEK: so your Saturday night was insane, at least your knight and shining Armour came to your rescue 

REEN: come!, Veek my head hurts don't tunt me, i just want to sleep for the rest of the day.

VEEK: do know today's Sunday right .

REEN: and?....

VEEK: Sunday service , church you know the place we go to worship God.

REEN: your point is?

VEEK: Reen!

REEN: i know ah!, am going to get ready.

VEEK: good, see you later.


MUM: Reen get down were going to be late.

REEN: be right down .


REV: ''DEMUS CHRISTIE'',  the lord be with you .

CROWD: and with your spirit.

REV: in the name of the father , the son and of the holy spirit....................Amen.

CROWD: amen!!

CHELSEA: Reen! Reen! Reen! wake up

REEN: huh!, what, where am i ?

CHELSEA: your in church and you slept through the whole service .

REEN: [yawns] can we go home now am still tired.

CHELSEA: i guess, but i think mum's talking to the neighbors again.

REEN: no, not Mrs Gretel and her cat stories.

CHELSEA: nope even worst , it's the JOES.

REEN: not them.

                                 The Joes are what you call the rich and sudi  , they pretend their family is perfect and everyone else is trash. there's Mr Joes , his a work alcoholic who doesn't have time for his family but always find's time to brag . Mrs Joes she's just a witch and lastly her two twin kids ; Jacky and Jack Joes , stupid names right, they sound like Jack and Jill ,because Jill[Jacky] always follows her brother everywhere he goes like a fly, for me i'll say they might be having an affair.

CHELSEA: oh, she's looking this way, common let's go say hi . the quicker we do the faster we leave .



REEN: Good morning, Mr & Mrs Joes.


MUM: here are my two daughters and their younger brothers.

MRS JOES: how nice to meet you all, since we've rarely had the chance to get to know our new neighbors . I would like to invite you all to my family bar-barque next weekend.

REEN: Mrs Joes what of your kids? i don't see them here, didn't they come  for service ?or are they too perfect for God.

MRS JOES:  no, they are actually helping to clean the chapel after service , what of you Reen don't you do charity work .

REEN: whatever.

MUM: never mind her Mrs Joes , we'll love to attend , in fact Reen and Chelsea will come over a day before to help out.

REEN: what!

CHELSEA: why do I've to go?, i didn't do anything .

MUM: you'll go or you both subscribe your Netflix with your own money.

REEN: no, no not Netflix.

CHELSEA: men, that was cold woman.

MUM: excuse me?

CHELSEA: nothing will do it.

REEN: yes mum we will.

MRS JOES:  okay, i'll see you all next week and please Reen try not sleep during service. bye

REEN: oh.....

MUM: Reen!

REEN: yes mum.

MUM: go get your brothers let's go home

REEN: okay mum.

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