To-do Science fair/yhsco

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CHEMISTRY TEACHER: class take your seats please and open your text books to page 9 .

JEFF: hey! Reen do you have a pencil or a pen?, i kinda replaced mine with charrioes .

REEN: here you go Jeff.

LEO: beat it poof balls!  i wanna seat here .

JEFF: but it's my seat.

LEO: and i said! i want to seat here.

[Jeff stands and walks away]

REEN: dick head , what do you want now ?

LEO: Angel ! is that any way to greet your bf.

REEN: you wish! your lucky am even calling you a friend, don't push your luck.

LEO: oh! it looks like someone's gat an attitude change and here people are calling you an Angel , if only they knew what i knew.

REEN: really, what do you know exactly?

LEO: that your actually a diva.

REEN: Leo ! why are you here ? you usually don't attend chemistry class or school at all.

LEO: what! I can't come and say hi to my gf .

REEN: Leo!

LEO: am kidding .

CHEMISTRY TEACHER: Mrs Reen do you have something you would like to share with the class?

REEN: no ma!.

CHEMISTRY TEACHER: then i suggest you keep quiet .

REEN: yes ma! Leo your gonna get me in trouble , you have to go.

LEO: common! sweet chicks you know you want me stay.

REEN: what did you just call me?

CHEMISTRY TEACHER : Mrs Reen that's the last draw detention .

REEN: it's not my fault ma, it's Leo.

CHEMISTRY TEACHER: Leo! Leo! is not here his home sick with latis syndrome.

REEN: what, his right here ......[ i turn and Leo was gone] i swear Mrs he was right here and there is no such thing as latis syndrome ,i thought you were a scientist how can you not know his lying that illness isn't real.


REEN: nothing ma, please am sorry i can't have detention it goes on my permanent record and i need that for a good college, you know cause the world still racist .

CHEMISTRY TEACHER: okay, i'll make you a deal one of my star student needs an assistant for his science fair project , so you do that instead.

REEN: deal, who's the student?


REEN: Ken Copper! asin honor student , head of robotics club and member of F5.

CHEMISTRY TEACHER: yes, yes and what's F5?

REEN: nevermind, i will do it but no detention right?

CHEMISTRY TEACHER: right. now back to your seat, i still have a class to teach.

REEN: yes ma,when i see Leo am gonna kill him.



ZOEY: he got you stuck as Ken Copper assistant .

REEN: yes and it's all Leo fault , when i see him am going ..............

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