To-do Drama club

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                            The next morning , i got to school early hoping to have some spare time to apologize to Zoey during the morning announcement and i did, we ended up talking things out and we both put the past behind . For once i actually listened to the announcement today.

Today was my first time at drama club and since I've stage fright am praying to get stage crew duty, i really hope my drama teacher Mrs Becks answers my prayers.


MRS BECKS: welcome , my little butterflies are you ready to sore ?, i know i am.

REEN: has this woman had some of Zoey's medicine? .

DASK: nope, that's Mrs Becks for you always over dramatic.

REEN: wh...a...what are you doing here?

DASK: well is drama club.

REEN: your point?

DASK: am the drama king in this school . I've the lead role in the play.

REEN: oh, right your the one whose mum was a famous actress . omg.. am sorry i shoul.....

DASK: is OK ! am proud of my mum , that's why am following in her foot steps. and is that all you remember about me?

REEN: yes, i think so.

DASK: T or D night , the kiss.

REEN: nope! doesn't ring a bell.

DASK: really?, you want me to do it again?, maybe it will jug your memory.

REEN: oh, that T or D , don't worry i remember perfectly, so anyways is really amazing that you want to follow your mum foot steps.

DASK: yes, so what brings  you here, from that your epic viral video, i figured you'll might be a competition, seeing you stole the show at the club. 

REEN: oh, you saw that video.

DASK: you kidding me, everyone saw that video, their calling you Angel Wings.

REEN: what , why, would they call me Angel Wings, I taught they will call me something bad like epic fail or peukzilla.

DASK: no, they mostly focused on your singing and dancing on stage .

REEN: so no one saw me throw up into Mee-Chu hats?

DASK: oh, they did , they just didn't care that much and Chu told everyone that you were ill that's why.

REEN: Chu did that?

DASK: yup, his a nice guy.

MRS BECKS: everyone on stage , were going to do some warms ups.............and 1 .................and 2..................and...................3. OK! that's enough,so you'll know that the school play is next month and we already have our lead actor Dask Drewer [Mrs Becks pauses for second as she notices me standing next to Dask] and we just found our lead actress Angel Wings .

REEN: huh! what! me, Mrs Becks please , i can't be the lead role ....i can't even act.

MRS BECKS: nonsense , i saw the video .

REEN: you did?

MRS BECKS: yes, i did , i know how to use the internet, my phone and social media.

REEN: no,i didn't mean it like that , but I've stage fright and plus i wasn't quit myself on that stage if you know what i mean,[wink]

MRS BECKS: no, i don't my decision is final.

                 ''Excuse me, Mrs Beck but i thought i was the one playing the lead actress with Dask''.

MRS BECK: am sorry Kelly , but I changed my mind you can be Reen's  extra, like if anything happens to her you will fill in.

KELLY: what! but she doesn't even know the lines nor those she want the part for God's sake.

REEN: right , Mrs Beck let her have her part back.

MRS BECK: girls, am not having this discussion anymore my decision is final, class dismissed.

[Mrs Beck storms out]

KELLY: you BITCH!, you think you can just walk in here and steal my spot , well i just hope nothing will happen to you before the play, that will be a shame ..for you that is[she walks away].

REEN: what!  just happened ?.

DASK: hey!, Reen you coming?.

REEN: coming.

DASK: don't let Kelly get to you alright , am sure you'll be great for the part.

REEN: not really, i have stage fright .

DASK: but the video.

REEN: i was on drugs when i did that.

DASK: whoa!,so what you going to do?

REEN: i don't know, i guess i have to rehearse or i fail, Mrs Becks made that very clear.

DASK: don't worry , i'll help you.

REEN: really? 

DASK: yes,we will do it in the theater every morning during announcements .

REEN: thank you, thank you [ i hug Dask tightly] this means alot to me.

DASK: [hugs me back] it's alright , your my partner of course i'll help you and plus if i don't help an Angel ,God's gonna hate me.

REEN: [giggling] very funny thank you.



VEEK: what! your in the school play ? and your the lead female.

REEN: yes, the  irony of my life .

VEEK: your stories get better and better everyday , especially with all your Knights coming to your rescue .

REEN: what do you mean?

VEEK: you know, first Leo,Zack,Mee-chu and now Dask, isn't that all of the F5.

REEN: you've a point , i have  had a damsel in distress situation with all the F5 expect Ken Copper.

VEEK: i can't wait for that story .

REEN: you've to wait forever, cause his really hard nut to crack.

VEEK: nothing never unbreakable , it just takes time.

REEN: so you want me to be center of attention between 5 best friends and the most popular and hottest guys in school. You want to kill me or me to kill myself .

VEEK: stop squealing, like i always say everything happens for a reason.

REEN: i know.

VEEK: so just have faith that everything will turn out good in the end , cause no matter what you do , what will happen , will happen.

REEN: i hope your wrong , for my sake .

VEEK: on the bright side , your gonna soon tick off facing your fears off the list.

REEN: if i ever live through it .

VEEK: what do you mean?

REEN: did i forget to tell you about the girl who threatened me in drama class, Kelly.

VEEK: Kelly who ? 

REEN: she's the girl that was supposed to get the part but instead , she's my extra and now she wants to kill me.

VEEK: she wants to what?

REEN: i know right she thinks.............................................[FADE OUT]........................... 

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