The Three Musketeers!

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Mu/n + Y/n POV:

It was really fun and interesting to see how everyone played from where I was sitting. I would also occasionally walk to another spot to get a better view on what I was more interested in at the time for me.

I even took some mental notes as I watched their movements and timing. After all, I did learn how to do almost everything by observing. So, me not being in this match was a good thing. Yeah. This is a good thing.

'Im not crying. You're crying! I want to play too T-T.' Okay, maybe I don't know that it's a good thing yet, but it is. Just don't pay attention to my heart and soul crying out to play and be on the court with everyone else.

I have to admit though. Seeing how concentrated Sugawara is while playing is really something. It's probably the only time that I've ever seen him not smile and be so focused on one thing.

I walked back over to where Ukai and Takeda were sitting when *btzz btzz* I got a text.

When I looked at my phone to see who it was I couldn't help but let out a small smile. 'Neko'


Hey. Coach just said that we're going to be playing you and your team at the end of golden week.


Yup! I'm at practice right now btw. I can't play though sadly because of the fact that I am now a side character I guess. I feel like Ennoshita stole my spot and role on the court T-T



I let out a small laugh when I saw Kenma's response, and was going to respond when I saw Hinata and Kageyama do their quick for the first time this game.

"Woah!! What the heck was that?!"

"Did you see him jump?!"

"That set was dead perfect...!"

Ukai was speechless while Takeda looked like a first grade grinning idiot wanting praise from his teacher for getting a perfect score. "Yes!/Yeeeah!!"

"Nice one Hinata! Kageyama!" Both of them looked pumped about being able to do that while I smiled and sent Kenma a quick text before putting it away. "Now all that's left is to have Asahi spike one, and the game will really begin." No one else heard that sense I said that quietly to myself though, and the game continues.

"....I do. No matter how many times I get stuffed...I do want to keep trying. I do want to spike it again" I was shocked to hear how serious Asahi sounded, but Nishinoya only gave him a kind smile. "...Good. That's all I wanted to hear." 'Wait...are they? No. But they could be *grin*'

"Hey, Mr, Ponytail! Just send it over!" A few people looked worried, but Nishinoya looked determined while Asahi ran over to spike the ball.

"Stop him!"

"Don't order me around, your majesty."

"Give it everything you've got, Asahi-san!"

Asahi spiked the ball, but they blocked him. As far as I knew both Asahi and me had the same expression, but his had more meaning to it because you can see that he was reliving the reason why he 'quit Volleyball'


"Woah!! It's up!!"

"Awesome hustle, kid!!"

N-Nishinoya saved it?! At the last second too! It was amazing!!! "Wow wow wowwww! That's so cool Nishinoya senpai!!" I was standing up while smiling with basically stars in my eyes while Tanaka started to cry for some reason. I assumed that they were tears of joy for his friend.

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