Heyo Neko Gamer!

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Mu/n + Y/n POV:

It was the next day, and we were getting ready for a run. "Everyone ready?" All of us responded with some form of a 'yes' and then started to jog.

Yeah right. Like that would ever happen. As soon as Ukai said start Hinata and Kageyama started to full out run. Worst part is is that my competitive side started to show and I also picked up the pace to match them.



"Hinata, put a sock in it! Keep yelling like that and you'll just exhaust yourself!"

That's why I wasn't yelling, or even talking at all, but Hinata didn't even seem to care about what Ukai said and just continued to yell while surprisingly picking up his pace.

"HOAA!!" That was Hinata's battle cry that brought him ahead of both Kageyama and myself. 'Dang it! I won't lose!!'

I was around six feet behind Hinata while he continued to run faster and faster ahead of everyone. This lasted for quiet awhile, and I lost track of where we were going.

"Huh?" Hinata's sudden stop startled me and caused my ankle to slip and let gravity pull me closer to the ground (I fell). "Did I go the wrong way? I don't see anyone coming...Hm?" Hinata looked down and saw that I had face planted into the cement.

"Ah! Mu/n! Are you alright?!" Hinata bent down and lifted me up so that I was now standing while I lightly touched my scraped nose that was slightly bleeding.

"I'm fine. I wasn't expecting you to stop so suddenly, but other than that everything's all....good?" My voice trailed off when I thought that I recognized a certain pudding headed gamer behind Hinata 'Is that who I think it is?'

Hinata followed my line of sight and tilted his head a little bit to the left before lightly jogging over to him. "Hi! Whatcha doing?"

That caused him to jump a little bit and look over 'It is him!' "Ummm...Uh...Being lost?" Hearing that snapped me out of my thoughts and caused me to walk over to them.

"Really? So you're not from here?" Hinata looked curious while looking at him while he only looked at Hinata for a second before looking back at his phone and answering. "No." And then continued to play a game.

"Hm? I didn't peg you to be the type to play that kind of game. Do you like it?" Kenma snapped his head over to me as his eyes widened a little bit before looking back at his phone and answering. "No. It's not really that fun, but it's a good way to pass time." 'Makes sense, but why is he all alone? Did he get separated, and then get lost? That would explain the lost part...Oh. He was probably on his phone and then wandered from the group without knowing.' With that thought I decided to text Kuroo where Kenma was.

"You play Volleyball?!" I sighed and shook my head while Kenma got startled again. 'That's not how you talk to a cat Hinata. Especially a shy and antisocial cat like Kenma.' "Those shoes! They're Volleyball sneakers, right?!" '*sigh* I guess he'll never know when to be quiet...'

"Oh, uh... Yeah." Kenma looked more than a little bit uncomfortable while Hinata looked really happy and excited making me give both of them a weary smile. "I'm on a Volleyball team too! I'm Shoyou Hinata!"

Kenma's eyes widened as he looked at Hinata when he said that, and then decided to mumble out his introduction. "Kozume..." Hinata bent down a little bit so that he could hear him better while clarifying.

"Kozume? Is that your first or last name...?" I was a bit shocked to hear the sudden decrease in volume while Kenma said his full name. "Kenma Kozume..." 'Woah. Looks like Kenma's trying to make a new friend. That's great!'

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