Chapter 46 - The Indomitable Foe (Part 2)

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Walking on the ocean floor was a surreal experience. The denizens of the enormous kelp forest along the coastline dart in and out of the leafy greens as a force of 25 FranXX slowly make their way along the seabed. The wildlife are not quite what you'd expected, but are still impressive nonetheless. Fish that had been documented before the collapse as less than a foot long now grow over five.

"This is unbelievable," Delphinium whispers.

It's hard not to agree with her. The rays of the setting sun dance against the surface just a short distance above and illuminate the forest, making some of the plants translucent.

As the light fades the scene becomes much more eerie. Large shadows are cast by the sea flora and they quickly block out what few rays remain. Darkness sets in, creating a cold and unforgiving world. Delphinium's internal monitors switch to low light mode, which is enough to provide a relative understanding of the surroundings but not much further.

Suddenly the screen goes dark and the FranXX's senses jump to high alert.

"What was that?" she asks.

Looking up, the outlines of several large creatures swimming in formation pass over. The pod of whales is enough to temporarily block what little light remains at this depth and also subsequently blind Delphinium as they pass. Other FranXX are stopped as well to observe the world's biggest mammals, which too have grown in size from the records. Perhaps the result of cleaner oceans without human interference. Perhaps because of the Klaxosaurs that made their home in the depths of the sea. Regardless, everything about the ocean is much more grand than it should be.

"You seem jumpy today," you say to your partner.

Delphinium huffs. "I wonder why that is?"

Now it's your turn to roll your eyes. The question had been simple but Ichigo had still turned it into a debate.

"The girls?" you offer. "The mission? Our future?"

Delphinium spreads aside the kelp before her like a curtain, creating a gap for herself and those behind her. Argentum marches through the overgrowth, ripping and tearing it from her way while her sister gracefully navigates between the stalks with more precision than any other Stampede Division pistil.

"The girls," she answers.

You exhale. "They'll be fine, love. Argentum and Aurum won't leave our side and they make a perfect team. Nothing will get through them."

"It just bothers me that we're sending children into battle," Delphinium states.

"You mean it bothers you that we're sending your children into battle," you correct her.

The image of the FranXX eyes you. "Our children."

"Your children, my daughters, our kids, does it really matter what we say?" you ask.

A whistle draws each of your attention to a panel on the front monitor. The remaining air levels of the cockpit have plummeted. It's no surprise, given that the force had been dropped some thirty miles south and hadn't gone up for air since. You had then walked the length to the facility, which should be just about under siege by Valkrya and majority of the rebel forces at this moment.

A quick glance at the HUD's map and accompanying mission clock verifies that the second force is on target and on time.

"Looks like we made it," you say to no one in particular.

Delphinium begins to walk inland and the rest of the battalion follows suit.

Over the general comm, you address your comrades.

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